7. "You are kidding! Right?"

Start from the beginning

Rita Skeeter sailed into the reception area of the Auror Office, as if she owned the place. Her beach blond hair was whirled into a curly arrangement of rather questionable style. The half moon spectacles perched on the tip of her nose. The green skirt and jacket combination looked about two sized too small and her shoes would probably be useful should the need arise for her to stab somebody.

"Name?" The tone of voice of the seasoned receptionist was without any emotion.

Rita Skeeter shot her a dirty look.

"Don't you know me, woman? I am Rita Skeeter, best reporter the Daily Prophet ever had."

"Who is your contact?"

"Contact? What are you talking about? I'm here to interview the most loved wizard of all times. Harry Potter."

There was a pause when a list was consulted and then the receptionist sent a memo away.

"Sit over there."

Rita Skeeter was taken aback. Did this woman not realise, who she was dealing with?

"I will see Harry right now!" She announced loudly.

"No, you will not. You will wait until you are being summoned like everybody else."

The older woman didn't even look up from her paperwork.

"And don't get any ideas about using your wand. Only aurors can do magic in these rooms."

Shock was written on the face of the person best paid by the Prophet. Nobody had ever talked to her this way without reading their own misdeeds in the next edition. Though this was the Auror Office, if she got into trouble with this lot she was likely to end up in Azkaban.

While she was trying to decide what to do, Harry turned the corner and smiled at her.

"Rita Skeeter."

"Harry! How nice of you to give me an exclusive."

"Well, the truth doesn't upset people half as much as your lies."

A wide smile lit his face. She glared at him.

"Why did you want to meet me here at the Auror Office of all places?"

She followed him along the corridor, lined with dozens of doors.

"It was either meeting you here at work or not meeting you at all."

"Oh." She had forgotten that he was actually in the process of becoming an auror himself.

He opened a door and beckoned her in. She stepped in and the door closed behind her.

"What the..."

There was a tall young wizard sitting at the table in the middle of the room facing he. His hair had the colour of dark ash and there was a distinct gentleness about his person, but something put Rita straight on edge with this guy. There was an air around him... Not really threatening, but he would probably break her neck without a second thought, if she didn't comply to his wishes.

So far he hadn't said anything yet. He was just sitting there, his hands folded on the table, looking at her.

Rita Skeeter was squirming on her seat. The wizard across the table looked at her as if she was some new specimen that had just been discovered.

"Okay, okay! I know, I shouldn't have have used the Polyjuice potion, but they are sooo smug all the time. They deny me any information about them. What am I supposed to do? I need to earn a living."

"Polyjuice potion?"

It were the first words she heart him say. They were spoken quietly. His voice was quite deep. Melodic but with a steel edge to it. She wondered, why they had sent what must be their chief interrogator. He was a master in his art she knew and not even she was able to resist the urge to talk in his presence.

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