Chapter 7: Beneath the Surface (M)

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In the dark meeting room Kieran was talking to his vice leader who wasn't happy "How could you do that you stupid boy?" the vice-leader walked into the light. He was wearing a dark suit, with a red tie over black neat pants with short dark hair "Why did you do that?"

"I've told you before Izanagi-" Kieran tried to reply

"That's Vice leader Izanagi to you my boy!" corrected Izanagi

"Fine...mister Izanagi" this made Izanagi cross "I've told you before, if I didn't do that the damage could've been beyond repair"

Chloe, who was listening in the background, looked annoyed and moaned "Since you don't get it" said Chloe filing her nails "I'll put it in simple terms. The three were on the verge of discovering you know what. If they would have very damaging to the point of no repair. Kieran just picked the lesser of the two evils"

"What stopped us from just knocking out the kids and taking the experiment back by force!?" demanded Izanagi

"Because...that would've done more damage" this voice came from the back of the room sending a chill "especially since one of those individuals was Saku Stritos"

It took a couple of moments for Izanagi to get it "Stritos?" said Izanagi "the rankless child my liege has an eyes?"

"correct dummy" said Chloe as her hair changed to pale white "Can you imagine the search party?"

"And the Stritos family is not to be trifled with" added Kieran "I know letting the experiment go is rather painful but they went with no suspicions or need to come back. And by assisting them, it implants trust which can easily be abused"

"What the two speak of is correct" said the supreme leader "We are delayed but we can...manage without her. However if it bothers you so...go out and capture her yourself"

"Why yes my lord. It would be an honour"

"Oh wait...before you go" Izanagi saw a red canister thrown to him which he caught "You might as well test our...catalyst" Izanagi snickered and left the room "Chloe...go and observe" Chloe nodded and left the area "Kieran...continue your good work" Kieran nodded and left the room leaving the leader by himself "Not long now"

Back at the academy Saku was training under Ivy to try and control his aura burst, the white milky aura, "That's it Saku" said Ivy encouragingly "just keep trying to bring it out" the sweat formed on his face as his aura would momentarily appear "go're getting really close" Sophie and Anastasia were watching him

"he's really determined" said Sophie "but he's really close. You can see glimpses of his aura come out"

"I know" said Anastasia "if he can control it. He'll finally be able to utilize his aura power. Still he's been doing this for a while now...I wonder how much longer he'll take before he gets it"

Sophie and Anastasia then saw Mia walk alongside them with a towel and drink's bottle in hand "he's almost there now" said Mia

"'re Mia right?" said Sophie "What are those for?"

"Why they are for him" Mia then walked to Saku "Saku...over here" Saku stopped and turned towards her "I got this for you"

Ivy saw Mia coming "Here she comes...with a rather good smile. Oh hey Mia. Saku take a short break, you don't want to push yourself" Saku nodded and walked towards

"hey Mia" said Saku to which Mia offered him a towel "Thanks for this" Saku began to rub his face with it "This is quite soft really"

"And here you go" said Mia offering Saku the drink "to help cool you down a bit"

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