Chapter 28.

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My heart pulsed quickly in my throat as I followed Jem's trail of blood. Even in the dark I could see the dark spots on the ground, the ones I had seen when he had cut his knee when he was seven, and coughed up when he was dying. I pushed the thought away and kept looking. The trail shortened and stopped completely at a random spot. I knew then he couldn't of just walked up and gotten away, especailly with his leg wound that had cut to the bone.

Someone had taken him.

I felt the pang like a large needle in my side. Jem is mine, he always has- had- been, and nobody can just take him away from me. Then I realized, he was never mine to take away, and he's dead anyways- he can't provide anything for anybody. I sighed, and began to run back to camp.


When I returned, it was dawn. Nobody but Torrance was awake, and by the dark rings under his eyes, I could tell he didn't sleep well. When he looked up at me, his eyes widened, and his head whipped around to where I had slept, then back to me. "I thought you were-"

"Jem is gone," I forced out, barely a whisper. But it was enough for him to shut his mouth on the spot. "Oh, Edel-"

"I go by Aster now," I informed him. There was a pause. Then, "Ok, Aster, whatever. Come here." For a second I feared that if I got too close to him that he, too, will disappear, leaving me here to fend for myself. But I quickly pushed the thought away, knowing that wasn't possible, and that even if Torrance could, he wouldn't. He knows I need him now that Jem is gone. In a flash, I was in his arms, my head resting on his chest. He rubbed the small of my back, and then, I was out like a light, too exhausted to keep my eyes open.


I woke to Torrance shaking me violently. I tilted my head up and felt him stuff something that crunched in my pocket. "What's that?" He looked at me with a sturdy gaze. "Money for the boat. Everyone's up and ready to go, E- Aster. Time to get ready."

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