Chapter 24.

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*Jem's POV:

Funny how your lifespan is shortened to a variating point of how long it takes one person to heal. One person who just slept with my enemy. One person who I am specifically not allowed to tell about the mayor and I's little 'deal' (although I prefer the term 'forced-into-death-threat-plan'). Actually, it isn't really that funny.

I ran through a list of options that I could try to save my life while not getting killed. Run away in the night while no ones watching. Take out the bullet so he can't track us and run. Make an excuse not to go. But soon after I realized all my plans were flawed. The mayor is always watching, and he'll just send his army after my friends if I leave. If we take out the bullet, Torrance will just resume bleeding out. And even with excuses, were gonna have to go some time, plus I'm a horrible actor. So, I've tried my last choice- accept it, and live your final days doing anything you want to.


Breakfast commenced when sleepy Kaya woke up. When I asked her why she slept in, she replied with a snappy, "Oh, no reason. I'm just tired of your attitude from yesterday." Oh, joy. She's mad at me.

I'll die with her mad at me.

I ate in silence for a few minutes, trying to savor and enjoy each bite of my food, but the truth is, I was sick to my stomach.

Torrance smiled at everyone. "Good news!" He announced. I couldn't help note he was dangerously close to Edelweiss. "I can walk normally! Maybe even run. We can go to the Re-Maker now!" I felt the shock like a punch to the stomach. I couldn't breathe. That gives me, what? Three hours to live? I felt like I was balancing on a live wire.

Freya's face was worried. "Hey, you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

I swallowed hard. This was my chance to tell them! Tell them not to go! "Y-yeah, I'm fine.. I just don't feel good." Even Edelweiss looked concerned, but I could tell she knew better than to say anything.

"You should go lie down," Torrance suggested. That sent a volt through my body. I don't want to spend the rest of my life lying down! "No way!" I protested. "I'm coming with you!"

Kaya seemed to think a moment. "Why don't you just stay here while we go? I don't mind making two trips." The idea struck me as brilliant. I could kiss her right now.

"Fine with me."

I'm feeling better already.

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