Chapter 17.

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I was the last one to wake up that morning. Good thing, too, all I really remember was being tired and dizzying images of Torrance.

I untie myself from the belt holding me to the tree, untangled myself from the blankets, and climbed down. Everyone was enjoying breakfast and drinking water. Even Torrance was sitting up eating, and the last time I saw him he was pale as the moon and his head was using the tree for support.

Jem glanced up at me. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." He quickly added, "Even though you don't quite look like one."

I glared at him, a smile playing on my lips. It was funny when he messed with me; his casual jokes sometimes cheer me up. "You don't look half as good as I do when you wake up."

The corner of his mouth twisted into a quirky smile. "Oh, yeah, well-"

"Edelweiss, why don't you have some breakfast," Kaya interrupted and handed me a plate. I smiled gratefully at her and took it from her hands.

"Oh!" Jem exclaimed, and nudged her shoulder playfully. "She talks! Torrance, you never told me!" Torrance managed a smile and shoveled in another bite. Kaya didn't look pleased. I ate my breakfast.

"So," I asked, when Torrance was done with his meal, "How are we going to get home without them catching us? Since, you know, we can't really stay here." He looked up at me, his green eyes hinting at a bit of nervousness. He tensed up and said, "Well, when I'm okay to walk or stand, we'll have to sneak you into this place Kaya and I call 'The Re-Maker." He shrugged. "It's a very cheesy name, but it's easier to say than the real thing."

"It completely mixes up your DNA," Kaya continued for him. "It gives you a new look, voice, thought pattern -even intelligence."

"Does it hurt?" Freya asked.

"Yes," said Torrance. "They have to get to your DNA somehow."

"Some people use it as a substitute for suicide," Kaya added quietly. "But it will disguise you well enough to get you a good sailing ship home without getting arrested. Or killed."

I nodded. "Will we remember anything?"

"Everything," Torrance replied cooly. "So, are you willing to do it?"

Freya, Jem and I exchanged glances.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

Sunset ValleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora