Chapter 25.

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I relaxed against the tree. The trees castef lace-like shadows on the ground. Everything was good. We all keep our lives. Hopefully. I close my eyes, and without knowing it, drift off.


I wake up to the sound of crunching leaves. At first, I thought it was Torrance and everyone returning. But when I opened my eyes, my heart plummeted as I saw the mayor staring at me, smirking, a long sword stretched out from his hand. I didn't have to look down to know it was resting bellow my collar bone, I could already feel a something warm dripping from the point.

"Nice try," he spat. "But we still have a deal to make, if you want your friends safe." My heart was racing, although I know that would only make it worse. But I had to fight- I had to try.

I turned and tried to scramble to my feet, but he grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me up to his face. He was strong for such a chubby man. "You are heavy, child. Eat too many cookies?" I did my best to give him a death stare and spat, "I wouldn't be talking." He dropped me on the ground, hard, and cursed, "You disrespectful little brat." I tried to get up and run again, but something connected with my head, very hard, and I felt a horrible stinging sensation in my leg, as if someone had branded me like a cow, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Not in pain, more for help. I clutched my leg tightly; blood escaping through my fingers. The Mayor stood over me, but I saw two of him swirling around me. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. Again, he pointed his sword under my collar bone, but this time a bit further down, so it was just above my heart. I wanted to scream and run away, but I was frozen, frozen and dizzy.

"Last words, Jeremy?"

I couldn't bring myself to say the words I forgot to say to everyone I ever knew. I just sat there in silence. He lifted the sword over me. "Please!" I cried helplessly. "Please, don't do this.." He just smiled, and I was in complete shock. I couldn't believe he was doing this.

But he did. He struck me, deep, and ran like a coward. When he did, I suddenly couldn't feel anything except for warmth spreading across my chest. It was as if he had ripped out my nerves. I stared out onto the trees. My mouth went dry.

As if from a distance, I heard someone gasp, and scream, "JEM!!" I coughed into my arm, and saw a bright red stain on my sleeve. I could feel the warm in my chest spread deeper, and I realized then I could no longer breathe. I coughed again, and then people were surrounding me. I could barely hear or see them, as if I was underwater.

"Jem," I heard Edelweiss sob. I took all my effort and turned my head to her. "Hold on, please, Jem, hold on.." I felt pressure on my leg and winced. A muffled voice asked, "Who did this?" I had a quick coughing fit and replied. Someone small who I didn't recognize murmured something to Edelwiess, who broke down sobbing. I knew what she said even though I couldn't hear her. I am going to die.

The warmth spread to my back. Curious, I lifted my hand to my chest, and then held it up to my face. It was blood, of course. What else did I expect? I dropped my hand.

I used up the rest of my effort to take in a deep breath and say, "I'm sorry." Against my will, I closed my eyes. I felt my head being moved, and when I opened them again, Edelweiss was stroking my face. But I had run out of energy, and as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't send her one last smile.

"You saved us. You had nothing to be sorry for."

Then, it was as if someone had shut everything off. I was plunged into darkness. I couldn't see, feel, do, or smell anything. Just the rapidly slowing, beating of my heart.

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