Broken Mirrors

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The Black Veil Brides' House
Ashley's POV

"And why would that be?" Andy questioned me.
"No particular reason." I replied.
"I guess you had fun with Amber." Andy stated. "Yeah she's amazing, a real sex bunny." I replied with a big grin on my face.
"You had sex with her no wonder that chat seemed to take so long, I sort of knew." Andy replied.
"Yep and it was fun." I stated.
"You could have just told us, you know." Andy replied.
"Yeah but you know Jinxx he gets jealous so easily." I stated.
"Yeah I guess you're right." Andy agreed with me.
"Well I better get unpacked." I stated passing Jake and Jinxx.

Jinxx's POV

"Why is Ash so happy, he's been like that since we left London?" I Questioned Andy.
"I don't know, guess he's in a very good mood." he replied.
"Yeah Jinxx lighten up he's just in a good mood." Jake spoke this time.
"Yeah I guess." I replied Jake and I walked to our rooms to unpack.


Once Jinxx and Jake had gone upstairs I spoke to Andy.
"Go on, why is Ash so happy?" I questioned. "He slept with Amber she's apparently a real sex bunny." Andy replied.
"Good for him, he still could have told us." I stated then walked to my room to unpack.

Amber's Bedroom
Amber's POV

Once I had unpacked, I had a serious think about the previous activities that had passed. It was only a few months ago that I was living in a single bedroom apartment on my own, my boyfriend had left me after a bad break up which still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it, It was only just getting back to normal single life. Now I'm a human pet living with the black veil brides, well it wouldn't be so bad if they weren't blood sucking vampires. I guess it could be worse at least I get fed, given baths and clothed.

I stood up and walked to the nearby mirror and looked at my reflection but all I saw staring back was a different person who had bite mark scars all over her body, it just wasn't me. I felt degraded and used like a toy, not a smart young woman I should be, I hated it. I felt so upset that I smashed the mirror with my fist it broke into many shards of glass. I looked to the floor then at my knuckles which were now bleeding, I just let the blood fall and drip to the floor, I didn't care anymore no one else seemed to.

Andy was the first to enter my room, he was by my side within an instant but I just pushed him away from me with what strength I had. I knew the others would join us soon due to my open wounds and the smell of blood, what I didn't understand was why did Andy not drink from me he must smell the blood too.
"Leave me alone!" I demanded shouting at him with tears in my eyes.
"No Amber you're bleeding." He replied, well you really think I didn't notice.
"I don't care." I stated.
"Well I do care." He started placing his hand on my arm but I pulled it away.
"Amber." He said my name with sympathy clear in his voice.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, he looked back very worried.
"I'm sick of it here all I am to you vampires is a toy." I snapped, Andy didn't reply at first.
"Is that why you punched the mirror?" he questioned, but I said nothing in return, the others then walked in the room. They all looked at me licking their lips and red eyes, Andy managed to stop them from getting closer to me, I knew they wanted my blood, they could have it for all I cared, I just wanna die and get away so I could at last be with my mom, safe. The only two that seemed to show any sign of humanity was CC and Andy the others just looked like vicious hungry animals.

"If they want my blood, they can have it." I stated.
"Come on Andy she's offering." Jinxx spoke up. "Yes that was the reason why I punched the mirror." I replied to Andy's earlier question. "But why? We have looked after you, kept you fed, bathed, clothed and safe." Andy replied sounding a little upset.
"Yes but I feel degraded and used." I snapped. "You are our pet, you really don't realize how lucky you really are." Andy stated.
"Lucky, Ha I feel anything but lucky." I spat back.
"Yeah we could treat you like how others are treated, and I know you wouldn't like that." CC replied, he was right I wouldn't want that, I guess it is a little cushier than living on my own struggling to pay rent. I ripped a piece of my white band shirt and wrapped it round my hand.

When Worlds Collide **On Hold/Editing** Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat