Chapter 31- Halfway to Hell

Start from the beginning

"I care for him so much, but it's been a year and the only evidence we have is a few photos of some woman and one woman who could tell us everything if only she could speak to us. My patience runs thin, Nathan," she sighs and lifts her head. He walks towards her and she smiles, biting her lip as he wraps his hands around her waist. "I am thankful for such a wonderful boyfriend," she continues as he leans closer and kisses her pink lips. "Let's go home please."


~The Next Morning~

"Reyna? Hey, why are you up so early?" He questions as she bends down from her seated position on the bed to tie up her sneakers. "Come back to bed," he continues, but she only rises to her feet and steps closer to the small mirror placed on top of the aged dresser. "I don't want to leave this bed, Reyna." She applies a thin layer of lip gloss on her light pink lips.

She pauses, still holding the casing in her fingers. "You can stay here if you want," she replies as she trades the lip gloss for a hair brush. "I'll be back soon; I just need to visit someone." She brushes her hair as he rises from his stretched out position on the bed. He wraps the sheets around his naked body, a wide grin wiping over his face.

"You know I've gotta work today. You can't just meet with them later?" He asks as she spins around with the hairbrush in her hand. She brushes the back of her hair, winking at her boyfriend. He runs his left hand through his short hair.

"I can't. She's not the most accepting person of me right now, and I doubt she'd be happy if I missed our little meeting," Reyna explains, tossing the hairbrush on the bed. "We're not exactly friends anymore." Nathan's smile quickly appears then disappears once more as his glare drifts off into the distance. Reyna opens the door to the hallway and freezes against the wood frame. She slides her hand around the metallic phone in her pocket.

Nathan begins to mumble under his breath, "You're seeing Faith again, aren't you? You know how horrible she makes you feel." She bites her lip, leaning back against the door frame. She removes her hand from her pocket, letting the silver phone fall from her fingers. "Stay here," he finishes speaking as he wraps his fingers around the sheets around his waist. Reyna brushes the hair from her forehead with her fingers.

"I'll see you tonight, Nathan," she replies, disappearing off into the hallways of her house. Nathan collapses back onto the bed, clutching the sheet close to his body. He takes his phone from the bedside table and begins searching through endless posts online. Reyna steps down the winding staircase towards the kitchen bench, swiping her car keys from the countertop. She begins walking towards the front door as her cell phone begins to ring in her pocket. She slides her hand into the pocket of her jeans and answers the phone call. "Hello, who is this?"

She wraps her fingers around the door handle as she continues to hold the phone in her other hand. The other end only breathes into the phone. "Reyna. It's me, Peter."


She stands alone in the centre of the small space, watching the tick of the clock. She doesn't move even when the door to her home swings wide open. She doesn't move when the other woman stands in front of her with her arms folded and her lips pursed. She doesn't move even when Reyna begins to argue.

"Faith! I'm here, what do you want?" Reyna screams at her ex-best-friend, moving her arm to touch Faith's shoulder. Faith barely moves, only brushing off the hand on her shoulder. Reyna sighs. From the time she and Faith broke off their friendship due to the lies, the deceit and the constant bickering to this day in time, the two have been constantly angered with each other. Days were spent screaming at one another. Moments were spent where neither could even dare try to look at the other. Minutes were spent in silence as neither even bothered to speak, but today is somehow different for them. Reyna screams but Faith is dead silent. "Tell me why you wanted to talk to me today, please. Please, Faith, I don't have all day." Faith only turns her head slightly as Reyna bickers with her. Normally, Faith always screams back at her, but this fateful morning is unlike any other. This fateful morning is the morning that the feud between Reyna Swindell and Faith Hyatt reaches its climax.

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