Chapter 5- Silent Still

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The work day had ended, but I owed it to Peter to investigate the crime scene. He came back to the office a short while after I arrived, but he was bitter towards me. I knew I should have agreed to follow him, but it was his problem he took it so harshly. I'd apologize to him tomorrow, or whenever he didn't refuse to talk to me. I dialled his cell number as I hopped into my car, slamming the door behind me. He didn't answer. The call went through to voicemail, and I left him an apologetic message, hoping he'd hear it and call me before I witnessed the plague of death. The police had called the murder 'ruthless and conniving', calling whoever had murdered her- as it definitely wasn't a suicide- 'The Devil's Bride'. They had found a typed note in the woman's pocket, planted as if it was a suicide note, that left a short message where she called herself the Devil's Bride. Nobody could be trusted, and as I drove the car towards where Peter had told me the location was, a swirl of cars crowded around the empty scene. I hopped out of the car, but her body had been removed. All of the evidence had been taken away, and I, like many townsfolk gathered around here, were too late.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. God, I hope that's Peter. I checked the caller ID, and stepped back, shocked by the irony. I picked up the call, half interested to know if I was right.

"Let me guess, you had one of your buddies at the station watch me like a hawk and now that he spotted me at the site of a murder investigation, you wanted to yell at how stupid that is. Thank you, Grant." I could hear him shuffle around in the background, before murmuring to one of the officers I assume was in the room. He finally directed his chatter towards me.

"My favourite niece. I was about to ask why you were there, Office Bradshaw just called in to tell me he spotted you. It's not safe to be there, but I suppose the entire town is fascinated with the murders."

"Fascinated isn't the word I used, and I'm your only niece. Tell Officer Bradshaw he can stop spying on me and catch this killer, so the whole town won't be so fascinated with murder all of the sudden." He chuckled, breathing heavily into the phone. I laughed too, because sometimes I think I'm funny. "Sorry I snapped, I don't like when someone guards me like I'm the great jewel of England. Is that a thing?" He chuckled once more.

"I just want to hear that you're safe, I'd hate to break the news to your parents. Reyna, please stay out of danger. If you truly want to know about the investigation, how about you come over for dinner tomorrow night?" I laughed. I see what you did there, Grant, and I'm just going to roll with it. If he's not lying, maybe he will score me some information on this famed killer. I needed more than a name.

"Okay, I promised you this. Tomorrow night. Can you send me your address? Do you still live with Karen?" I had stopped in my tracks, turned and was now sitting back in my car, one hand on my phone, the other rifling through my purse for something to write on. He paused, before speaking once more.

"Karen moved out last month, we broke it off. Okay, I've sent the address to you through messages." He had quickly changed the topic, rustling around in the background of the call. I took a piece of paper from my bag, but a lipstick tube fell from the bag. Shit. As I was leaning down, someone tapped on the glass of my window. I moved to see who it was.

"Helena?" Still on the line to Grant, he paused. I stared out to the girl standing by the window of my car. What was she doing here? "I've got to go, Grant. I'll talk to you later." He replied with his goodbyes and hung up, and I was left alone with Helena. She clicked the door open, sliding into the passenger seat. "Helena, what are you doing here?" She smiled, closing the door as she comforted herself on the chair.

"I was investigating, much like you, I suppose. I saw your car, and I wanted to talk to you." She pushed her glasses above her nose. The top button to her blouse had come loose. "I wanted to know if you knew anything about the case. I've been doing some snooping, and I found that you were related to the police officer, Grant Swindell." I was shocked, yes she was part of writing a magazine, but I didn't think she'd snoop others' information.

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