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Clint never thought he would be happy to see a cargo ship, but when he saw the painted American flag that was peeling off thanks to its days of salt water exposure he was simply happy, not because he was going home or he had a deep love for huge,floating chunks of metal that smell like fish,but because he had actually went the right direction for once and he could finally put Bucky down. He was as heavy as he looked and the metal arm alone weighed a ton, or what felt like a ton to Clint who had just carried Bucky for roughly a kilometre.

After sneaking his way over to a stack of containers he dropped the duffels down behind a old shipping container that looked like it was full of book then trying to be as gentle as possible laid Bucky down next to the bags, leaving enough room for himself to snuggle down and take a quick nap. Clint knew going to sleep was probably not the best idea because literally anyone could stumble across them and, well they could kiss a ride back to America goodbye, but he was tired and if Bucky got to sleep he should get to catch some zees too. So Clint tugged his scarf up around his face,pulled his hood down to shield himself a bit from the wind and promptly passed out.

Yet when he woke up with Bucky's hands around his neck squeezing out what little air he had left he regretted taking his little cat nap

"Bucky," He croaked. "Let go, I need air."

Bucky's eyes just got even brighter. "No, I don't know you!"

Clint instantly remembered the scarf wrapped around his face, Bucky didn't recognize him with it on. "Buck," He tugged ripped the scarf off his face, "It's me! It's Clint."

Suddenly Bucky's grip slackened and he rolled off Clint, a look of realization and absolute horror covering his face like a blanket.

"Clint, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Bucky was struggling for words so Clint cut him off.

"I know you didn't mean to, it's alright. Just drop it." Clint rubbed a hand gingerly across his neck and winced, that was definitely going to bruise.

"I can't just drop it. Clint I could've ki-" He was cut off again,but this time by a ship's whistle.

"If we are getting on we got to get going now." Clint pointed out.

Bucky nodded. "Come on I know a way to get on." A slight smile touched his lips. "I hope the acrobat side of you is flexible or you are going to have a heck of a time." With that he slung his duffel over his shoulder and set off into a sprint. Running straight at the back of the ship he used his momentum to scramble up the side and latch his hand onto a ladder. Which from that he ambled up with ease and swung over the guard rail. With a sigh Clint hefted up his bag and set off after the one armed assassin, his mind quietly playing over what would happen if his hand slipped on the ladder or he didn't get enough power to get up the side. Most of the scenarios ended with Bucky having to peel him off the dock like a giant Clint shaped bandaid, but if Bucky could do it so could he. Hopefully.


Kate let out a groan as her arrow thudded into the wall next to the target. She hadn't managed a concrete shot all morning and now the wall behind the target had so many holes in the plaster there was more cracks than wall. A few years ago if her arrow put a hole through the wall she would've rushed to find a way to hide it so Clint didn't see it and complain about her destroying his apartment. She could almost hear his voice whining from the doorway; "Aw Katie," He would say, "I have to live here you know. If you're going to miss at least put holes in your property, not mine."

Kate didn't have to worry about that anymore.

With a sigh she clipped set her bow into her case and stooped to pick up the thin layer of arrows that blanketed the floor of Clint's makeshift firing range.

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