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I added the cover art above to give you all a glimpse of the setting which is, Quinn's birthplace, Provence, France.

There is loads of French and a little Italian spoken in this chapter. Read on till the end for the translation. please. skip over the french/italian idc lol 


Waking up the next morning Quinn felt lighter. Happier. Better. Much, much better.

Perhaps spilling out her true feelings did help. Even if it was in another language. Or maybe it was the amazing French cooked dinner that they ate afterward.

Slipping out of bed, she tugged on the silk sleeping shorts she had discarded before making her way to the suite kitchen.

While humming an unknown tune, she turned on the coffee. Subconsciously, she set out two mugs and a moment later, a knock sounded on the front door.

As soon as Quinn swung the door open, Alexander breezed in, taking her wrist, and pulling her along with him as he walked further into the house. "I've got to show you something." Being his only words.

Quinn giggled. "Well hello to you too, sir."

They stopped walking. He turned around to face her. "I apologize." He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Bonjour, mon amour."


Quinn's heart fluttered. "Bonjour." It came out shaky.

He went over to the coffee and prepared their two cups.

"What's the deal?" Quinn settled around the kitchen island.

He set the mug of piping brown liquid in front of her. "I found this place in town that I'd really like to visit before we leave tomorrow."

Quinn pursed her lips. "Well, my grandmother lives about twenty minutes away; I planned to go see her today." She stared into her cup. "I don't know- you probably don't want to go. Maybe I could tag along with you afterwards or..." Quinn trailed off.

A large warm hand encased her own. "I would love to meet your grandmother, baby." Their eyes met."We could grab lunch or something afterwards, then we'll see about going into town. Sound good?"

"Yeah." Quinn smiled. Where had men like him been all along?


Quinn knocked again on the door to the mid sized cottage house.

She was nervous. It had been a while since she had come to see her grandmother.

Suddenly the door swung open.

Quinn frowned. This woman surely was not Quinn's grandmother.

"Bonjour," The young pale woman took Quinn in before her eyes settled on Alexander. The girl smiled brightly at him, and Quinn was not pleased when he smiled back.

"Salut. Je suis venu pour voir ma grand-mère, Adela. Elle est ici ?" Quinn's heart was filled with a slight fear that in the past year, her grandmother was not here anymore.

The girl craned her neck to peer back into the house. She looked back at Quinn with pursed lips. "Oui. "

"Merci. Nous serons en en une minute." Quinn said before turning to Alexander who stood quietly behind her.

He smiled. "You okay?"

"Yeah," She nodded quickly. "My grandmother is a nice lady, Alexander."

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