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Provence, France. Quinn's birthplaces and one of my most desired destinations.


They landed in Normandy, France from Paris and were thankfully shooting outside rather than in a building.

"So you two left early that day in Paris. What was that all about?" Penny brushed on a bit of foundation.

Quinn smiled softly. "I'm going to tell you something, Penny and you can't share this with anyone else."

Penny beamed and raised her right hand solemnly. "I swear it." She leaned down. "Now do tell!" She listened eagerly, a wide smile on her face. She gasped. "And you agreed?"

Quinn shrugged. "Yeah."

"Oh this ship has sailed," Penny gushed.

Stepping outside, Quinn strolled up to the balcony and was taken aback by the wondrous beauty of the lavender fields.

On the drive to the mansion, Quinn observed the scene, but this view, she thought was amazing.

"Okay, let's get these photos taken!" Someone shouted. "Miss Black!"

Quinn snapped out of her reverie. She turned to see a tall aging woman. "Maria Prentice- an honor to be working with you today."

Quinn smiled. "You as well, Miss Prentice."

Soon Quinn was positioned along the balcony in front of the cameras.

Funny as it seems, Quinn's eyes had already adjusted to the flashes and her ears to the loud directions of the director of the shoot.

"Oh, that's a really good one- Stay right there!" Maria demanded. The camera flashed a few more time until the director stopped them. "We can end right there." Quinn relaxed. "The interview can start now!"

"Give her ten minutes!" Someone shouted.

Peering around, Quinn found Alexander's eyes. They exchanged small smiles before Quinn motioned for him to join her up at the balcony.

Quinn turned back to the stunning sea of purple. It was the most mesmerizing view she had ever seen.

"Isn't it magnificent?" Quinn asked when Alexander was beside her.

He waited a moment. "Yes, you are."


"Quinn." They stared at each other. He smiled. "Look to your right."

As soon as she did a flash went off and Penny ran off, a victorious laugh echoing behind her.

Quinn and Alexander chuckled. "She's a great person, believe it or not." Quinn admitted.

"I wouldn't doubt it." He shrugged.

"Let's begin this interview!" Quinn winced. There was alot of shouting going on here.

"Let's see how this goes." She breathed.

Alexander threw an arm over her shoulder. "You'll do fine, gorgeous."

"Quinn Black?" A woman appeared in front of the two. Her jet black hair was cut short around her chin and her striking green eyes were wide with anticipation.

Quinn nodded politely. "Yes,"

"We can have a seat over here. I'll be interviewing you today."


Alexander now gone, the two ladies took their places across from each other. The recorder started and they were off.

"Being a female CEO has it's advantages and disadvantages, correct?"

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