I was still lost for words so I kept quiet and tried to look like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Your probably thinking how did I know about Kyliee right?"

"Maybe! Just to make this conversation interesting how do you know about Kyliee and me."

"So you guys are together?"

"No! Just friends."

"Just for now right!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Really! Are you that blind?"

"Why does everybody tell me that?" Thinking to myself.

"What are you talking about Kate?" I asked her.

"She always looking at you every time I see her around school. At first I thought it was nothing but I see her she always eyeing you and from how she looks at you I knew that she had a thing for you."

"Aaaaa. Okay this is the first time I'm hearing this so I'm still processing it."

"Really I thought you knew since I been seeing you guys together."

"No! But I would like to know when you noticed that she was eyeing me."

"The first time I saw her doing it was about a year ago, it was during lunch and you were siting outside on the grass area where your always at under your favorite tree Martin."

"It's funny that you called the tree by its name that I gave it." I giggled

"Are you going to let me finish or are you going to talk about your tree."

"No keep going!" I tell her.

"Well she was with her friends and her boyfriend, I think his name is Matt but whatever. While she was with them she was staring at you while you were sketching. Her friends were talking, trying to get her attention but she just ignored them and kept an eye on you the whole time. Ever since then I see her staring at you all the time now."

"That's crazy I didn't know that I had a stalker."

"I guess you are blind! But what's up with you guys?" She asked.

I told her about the bet, lap dance and that Kyliee was going to decide on Saturday if we would be more than friends. She asked me if I was okay with Kyliee making all the decision. I told her that I didn't know how to answer that. I also told her that I'm just going with the flow of the relationship and what happens, happens. Kate just gave me a smile and said, "Always easy going. I love that about you!"

"Thanks, I guess!"

"What do you want to do if the ball was on your side?"

"Mmmm I want to give us a chance because every time I'm with her things just seem right and that I could just be my weird and awkward self with her and that's hard to find. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to be more than friends but that's just me. Some time I think that she just wants to be friends and tries to ignore her feels for me so I don't know. I guess we are just better off as friends."

After I said that Kate changed the song that was playing and started singing, "You got you got you got it bad."

"Second time Usher's song was use!"

"Let me guess Sam!"


The ride to Miracle Mile was pretty fast, it only took us about an hour and a half to get there. I was so glad that we didn't hit traffic cause I didn't want to be siting all day. When we got there Kate and I went to the top floor to meet the President of the magazine. We got to the waiting area of the office and notice that there were about four gorgeous ladies waiting as well. One of them made eye contact with me so I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Damn she cute! I hope these are my models." I whispered to myself.

With that I drifted away and space out, talking to myself.

"I wouldn't mind hitting that!"

"What are you talking about you can even approach people! Oh wait I'm sorry you could bow to them."

I was about to answer myself but Kate interrupted me and introduces me to Michael who was the head of the magazine. He was in his 40's and he wasn't that bad looking.

"Nice to meet you Kris!"

"Nice to meet you as well."

"Before we head to lunch I just wanted to let you know that we are in the process of hiring you some models. Do you make any kind of preference?" He asked me.

"No not really. I could work with anyone."

During lunch he wanted to know my ideas and my thoughts about other people's work. I think he couldn't believe that I knew a lot about art and that my art works are one of a kind. He was shock that I was still in high school and that I already sold about hundred of my artworks. When we got back to the office his secretary let us know that they hired three models and that I should meet them. She led me to a room where they were waiting for me. There was only two of them in the room and that the other one was on a bathroom break.

"Hi, I'm Kris." I said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kelly."

"And I'm Maggie."

I shook their hands, talked about my ideas and plans for the photo shoot. When I was done talking they told me that they had to go because they had other photo shoot to go to before we head up to the woods. We said our goodbyes and about three seconds later the door opened and walked in the girl that was eyeing me earlier. She walked in and said, "Hi cutie!" and gives me a hug.

"Hi you must be the third model that they hired."

"Yes I am! I'm Ashley by the way."

"I'm Kris."

I didn't notice that we're still holding hands from our handshake. We just both stood there looking at each other without saying a word. I didn't know what was happening because next thing I knew we were both leaning in for a kiss. We were so close to each other that our noses were touching. She was about to kiss me when my phone started ringing so I stepped back and answered it.

"I miss you!"

Unexpected Love (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now