Chapter 18

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December 31, 2015.  Dylan picked me up in his jeep and we drove to Tommy's party for New Year's. When we got there, there were already people stumbling and falling. I gave a look of confusion to Dylan and he just shrugged and parked in the VIP section, AKA the garage.  We jumped out and walked in through the side door to a massive party, people filling the entire room, barely enough to get through. 

It was a struggle, but we finally found Tommy and  were officially welcomed into the house. He turned around and grabbed mardi gras necklaces and put them around our necks laughing. 

He said: "My boy, have a drink, have some fun. Tonight, my friends, is the last night we have to this year. Tonight is the time to make some regrets for a resolution tomorrow. So, my friends," he then stood up on the counter holding a red solo cup and faced the crowd and yelled: "Tonight, we live!"

Teenagers all around him whooped and cheered, Dylan laughed. Suddenly, a big rock of a guy bumped into me, and then turned around to apologize, as he should, and smiled. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you, but I was chasing my dreams and when I got to them, I couldn't slow down in time." he said, eyes twinkling. I looked at him, eyebrows raised.

"Seriously? That's what you chose as a pickup line?" I laughed, and his face hardened.

"Oh, well sorry my pickup lines aren't as perfect as you," he retorted, and I huffed and looked at Dylan, who was staring eagerly to see what I would say next.

"You know I'm not perfect, but at least I can flirt better than you."

"Oh yeah? Prove it." he challenged.


"Whoever flirts best with someone of the other's choosing wins," he said.

"I have a boyfriend, so I'm good." I answered.

"No, no, I actually want to see who wins this," Dylan cut in.

"What?" I asked, completely and utterly confused.

"Any other time, i would be very uncomfortable with this but whatever let's live, right? So what the hell, let's live. He finished, and I just stared at him.

"I don't know..." I started.

"Hey, don't worry. If you don't want to, you don't have to, but just for tonight, let's have fun." he said, and kissed me when he saw my hesitated face.

"Just let go," he said, and handed me a drink. I took a deep breath, knowing I was making a mistake, and 'let go'. 

It turned out to be the worst night of my life.


Hey guys sorry I forgot to post yesterday and also I didn't post last week because I was super busy, plus the fact that I could not get one sentence into the chapter without hating and deleting it. Please please please keep voting and commenting, I won't set a goal, because my fear is we won't reach it, but just please surprise me with votes and comments. Love you guys see you next week.

P.S. I know this chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be normal and very dramatic. Also, I might be experimenting other styles of writing, so the context might change a little bit.

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