Chapter 6

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I figured that the baseball field could get some nice pictures out of it.

 I started walking around and it looked as if it hasn't been used in years. The dirt was just laying there, the bases clean. 

It was as if it was abandon. Totally forgotten. Hiding behind these trees blocked from the world. As if I was meant to find it. As if it was just like me. 

It was amazing how many connections I could make with this baseball field just by looking at it, not even knowing the history behind it. For all I know someone on the New York Yankees or the Mets or some baseball team could of played here and now its empty. 

This field and I are so much alike. People once played on it, took care of it. When I was younger I used to have like a thousand friends and my parents cared about me. 

Now this field is abandon and hidden from everybody. As I only have a handful of friends and I am a nobody in this world.  

When you think about it, it's amazing how you can have a connection to really anything in this world. It doesn't have to be a human. It can be an animal, an object, or even a place. 

I decided to take a few pictures of the field from different angles, different parts, anything to make it look like its the spot light of the day. Anything to make it special. 

After taking about 20 pictures I started to walk home since it was getting dark out. When I got to the end of the path I looked to make sure nobody could see me leaving. 

I just wanted one place that no one knew about, cared about, or most importantly connected with as much as I did. 

I know I should probably show this place off, so it could get some what of attention to it maybe even used by groups of friends that wanna play baseball. But for once I wanted this place to be just mine. Somewhere I could go to to think, to write, to be proud of. 

**A/n sorry it's so short but I wanted to update something it's been awhile but I'm gonna start writing more chapters so I have them haha**

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