Chapter 12

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A few years later.
Amber is in J troupe and Noah is still the a troupe choreographer and Richelle occasionally dances but not really.

Amber's pov
So it's my birthday tomorrow and I will be twelve. I'm not too excited because I don't have any friends. I also have a dance competition tomorrow and it's a duet. My partner is someone called Josh. He doesn't like me. In fact he is a bully to me, just like the rest of J troupe. If this upcoming competition doesn't go well, then I might have to find a new studio to dance at because I can't deal with all the drama at The Next Step. I haven't told my parents about any of this though.
The Next Day
Richelle's pov
I wake up at seven a.m- just as I planned to. I shake Noah awake and we both get up, get dressed and make Amber a cake. Then we go and get her presents.

Amber's pov
Today is my birthday! And the duet competition. So I get dressed and go downstairs. As soon as I get downstairs I see mum and dad look at me and say
"Happy birthday Amber!"
I smile and see that they made me a cake! So I eat some cake and open my presents. I got:
- A phone
- Dance clothes
- Chocolate
I got everything I wanted! I love my parents so much.
One hour later
So now my parents have to drive me to my duet competition with Josh.
"Are you excited?" Mum says.
"I'm really nervous." I reply. I can't let her know that Josh bullies me, or the rest of J troupe for that matter.
"You'll do great Amber." Said dad.
"I wish." I said quietly. Luckily they didn't hear me.
When we finally get there I have to go backstage and prepare.
Once I'm done it's mine and Josh's turn to go on stage.
The music starts to play and we start dancing. I think that we're doing a really good job at it. I'm actually enjoying myself!
So it's about halfway through the song and Josh has to lift me quite high. He does and everyone is cheering. Suddenly I feel like I'm falling. I then realise that he dropped me and was smiling and laughing. I could here the crowd gasp as I was crying and screaming in pain on stage. Josh ran off before anyone could get him.
I heard two familiar voices saying
"Where does it hurt sweetie?" It was mum and dad. They had run on to the stage and were trying to calm me down.
One of the judges from the front got on stage and said that an ambulance had been called for me. My parents thanked them but all I could do was cry.
"Amber, where does it hurt?" Mum said gently.
"My-my-my ankle." I managed to spit out with tears streaming down my face.
My dad gave me a hug and then a bunch of paramedics ran on stage. They gently put me on a stretcher and carried me off stage. Mum and dad followed.

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