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Elsa's P.O.V

I just walk when I heard loud yelling and running. I look up and I saw one class window ( You can see another hallway) that there is coming one patient! There was ambulance nurses and many another nurses and doctors! I think that that was the patient what come the ambulance. Then the door open and they got in. I saw how someone who wasn't patient in here follow them. I start follow them but I can't run because my  disease but I was fast enough. I stop when I come the corner and that patient go in the emergency room. Some one the nurse stop that follower and let that person out. I can see better now and I can tell you that it was boy. I saw that the boy just melt down and he lean against the wall. I breath one time and walk to past of him but he look so sad and hurt. My mind say just walk but my heart say don't..... So I.....

I stop.... front of him and turn around to him and bend on hes eyes level. He was crying I can tell that and he notices me and look up my eyes I din't do anything.... I just watch but soon I stand up and he lay his look down on the floor again. Then I put my hand in the pocket when I fell that apple. (Elsa's clothes are like long Hoodie but it wasn't hoodie. It was like morning jacket what you have in the hospital but this one got hood.) I touch that apple and I take it off my pocket. I lay it front of him.

Elsa: Take it...

Boy look up to me surprise eyes. He think twice and then he take it. I little smile to him and he to me. I start walk away but then I got it....

Elsa's mind: I smile?... And he smile back?.... That was surprise turn. 

I got in my room and I go to my window. It was sunny day and I really want to fell that sun but I can't. I fell pain in my veins. It's get worse every second but I don't want medicine! I want to one day with out medicines! So I start to take a nap... But that what I don't know was that when I was sleeping my nurses come in and they put me painkillers. I hate that two women! They just drug me all the time! It's annoying! Who wold like that? 

Next morning

I woke up and understand that I got drugged last day... I was mad! I jump up and walk trow the nurses office and I just slam that door open!

Elsa: REALLY?! 

I yelled and soon there was my nurses they are both red in shame. 

Nurses: Elsa... Calm down....


Nurses: Elsa we are really sorry but you was so badly pai-


I slam the door close and start run. I know that I'm not allow to run, because I can start bleed inside of me badly and die, but now I don't care a F***! So I just rand trow the hallway and before I notices I was same place where I was last day. Then I have sharp pain in my left side. I leaned against the wall of pain, i can't do anything that just breath heavy. I lift myself up the window recess. I put my one hand on my side and another lay against my forehead. I was badly pain. I hope that I wasn't bleeding because I don't want to emergency surgery again! I got emergency surgeries like 50 in one year. i hate them too! Is it too much to wish a normal life?

But about in 30 minutes pain get away so I sigh with relief.. I wasn't bleeding inside so I can breath normal again. 

I start to watch out the window and it was raining... It was different cold in air but I still like it. Cold never bothered me like that. I close my eyes... I fell something come next to me. I snap my eyes open and turn my head.

It was that boy who I give that apple!

Boy: Hey.... Can I sit here?

I snap at the reality and nod

Boy: Thanks

He sit front of me and stared me. I look him too but then I put my head to the my knees. I was still sad and angry about that drugged think. I fell how he put his hand on my head. I carefully raise my head up. I look him and he look me. 

Boy: What's wrong if I can ask?

Elsa: You can but I tell you it's nothing....

Boy: Are you sure........?

Elsa: My name is Elsa and I'm sure

Boy: Elsa? That's cute name. My name is Jack Frost but call me Jack.

!It was embarrassingly quiet!

Elsa: Well.... Why are you here? I mean.. You don't look sick at all...

Jack: I'm here because my sister Pippa. She have mild bleeding disorder, but every time she hurt herself I get worry.. She is only family I have left. Or parent's die in Tsunami in Thailand 2004. 

Elsa: I'm very sorry to hear that. 

Jack: No it's okay. The past is in the past , But what about you? Are you here your family too?

I just Sight and I raise the 'hoodie' sleeve and then he saw my Hospital patient wristband.

Jack: You are here as a patient? 

I see that he was little shock..? 

Elsa: Yeah.....

Jack: Why? I mean... Why you are here?

Elsa: I have  hereditary bleeding disorder and I got chronic pains every second. 

I look up and he was there and his mouth was open like 'o' and he don't know what to say. I know that he have seen his sister but I get the worst blood disorder so... I think he knows that? I look away at the window...

Elsa: I have been here sens I born... I'm 17 now and soon 18... but I never been out there. I really hope that some day I can go out and live one just ONE day like normal people... I never was like a kid or teenager... I just have to be adult to me. I don't have sisters or parents. i got mom but she don't care me at all. I don't have friends and I fell like dying every day in my life. My nurses drugged me everyday so I'm not sure what day is it. I just look out the window and hope and the dreams what I had some time jut... Fly out the freedom what I never have... 

In that time I cant hold it.... I just say everything what I want to say every second, and I start cry.. My tears start falling down my cheeks and I just hug myself. I was lonely, I don't have love or anything what every body else have. I fell how my heart hurts the most!

Then I fell something warm around me! I notices that jack was HUGGING me?!

Jack: Don't cry... Everything is okay now... Let it go

I was little shock but I hug him back and hart as I can.

Elsa: Thanks Jack... You sister is really lucky to have brother like you.

Jack: Thanks Elsa....

I don't give a f*** if nurse walk here now I just want that Jack don't let go... one reason...

I fell that Jack try to back off the hug but I don't let him to do that...

Elsa: Don't let go just yet....

Jack: I'm afraid that I hurt you.. 

Elsa: You can't hurt me, because this fells good

Jack think twice and realized....

Jack: When was the last time some one hugged you?

Elsa: I never been hugged before...

Then I fell how he was really shock... I fell how he take me closer to his chest and he just smooth my back... 

Elsa whispers: If I die now.... I die Happy

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