"Ash... Was it? Thanks for finding my book."

"Oh, I just happened to pick it up," the raven haired boy shrugged a smile, causing girls to squeal around them. He leaned forward to Serena's right side and whispered in a tone low enough only for the two of them to hear. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you're an otaku."

It took Serena a full second to process what he had just said. And when she did, her eyes bulged out to the point where her friend thought it was going to pop straight out.

"WHAT?! AN OTAKU? ME?" She yelled in disbelief, unintentionally drawing more attention to herself. The honey blond girl couldn't believe it. This was the first time in her whole entire life that she's been mistaken for an otaku.

(A/N: otakus are people who stay in the house all the time, doesn't rlly have a life, and is obsessed with anime, technology and games 24/7)

"Serena, You're an otaku?" Her blue haired friend casually commented beside her while taking a bite out of her sandwich. "You should have told me."

"No, that's no-" Serena face palmed at her gullible friend. Her sentence was interrupted when more conversations broke out around them.

"Serena-san is an otaku?"

"She's the top student here, right?"

"She's also the principal's daughter. Never thought she's an otaku. That's surprising."

"NO! THAT'S NOT IT!" A loud yell echoed the cafeteria, silencing the student body.

Realizing her mistake, Serena bit her lips nervously. Now they're going to think that she's some desperate girl who doesn't want anyone to know the truth.


Just as she thought that her reputation as the top student was going down the drain, a certain raven haired boy stood in front of her. He turned his head slightly and gave her a thumbs up, telling her that he'll do something about the current situation. Serena nodded, for she thought he would clear up the misunderstanding.

Boy was she wrong.

"Excuse me!" Ash called out, gathering everyone's attention. "I'm only going to say one thing..."

He took a deep breath.

"Being an otaku is awesome! You're always caught up with the latest games and news, and you're like an expert when it comes to technologies! Although they call otakus 'shut-ins', this lovely lady over here obviously doesn't seem like one. Which means she's a sociable person. So the point is... SHE'S A GOOD OTAKU."

A series of understanding 'ooooh' came from the crowd. He nodded to himself, satisfied with his 'meaningful' speech.

At that moment, Serena could have swore she felt a vein pop. The last thing she needed was the school's famous heart throb, the person who's friends with everybody, to say such an useless speech to worsen the situation.

"As I said," she sighed, "I am not an ota-"

"It's okay, Serena, I understand." He placed an hand on her shoulder and gave her a sympathetic look. "Don't be ashamed of yourself. Being an otaku is not that bad."

Serena raised her eyebrow in disbelief. This boy was just unbelievably... Unbelievable.

"No. That's not what I meant, I'm seriously not-"

She was interrupted once again by a sudden exclamation from the raven haired boy. She watched in suspicion as the boy looked at his watch.

"Well, won't you look at the time, I gotta go!" He bowed half-sarcastically, half-sincerely before twirling towards the exit. He winked at the honey haired girl. "It was nice meeting you, otaku-chan!"

For a brief second, Serena saw a mischievous glint in his eyes. At that moment, everything came together. The boy wasn't a stupid no-brainer. He knew that she wasn't an otaku, and that the book was used for a different purpose, He was playing dumb and making things worse.

On purpose.

"Why you...?!" She shot up from her seat, a menacing aura surrounding her.

Dawn gulped nervously. Serena wasn't just known for being the top student in Pokémon Academy. When she gets mad, she could turn from a sweet and caring Miss Perfect, to a destructive monster.

In like, literally 2.5 seconds.


➖➖➖《 ̄◇ ̄;》➖➖➖

The ringing sound of the school bell ended Serena's memory flashback. Her brain was thrown back to reality, and Serena groaned in irritation. Her usual normal, peaceful life.


"Serena, you okay?" Her best friend asked her nervously. "You seem kind of... Um... Upset?"

"Oh, Dawn don't you worry. I'm perfectly fine," she laughed slightly hysterically, clenching her binder so hard a dent was starting to form. "Just a little... Disturbed."

"It's about Ash, isn't it?" She flashed her a smile. "Don't worry, think of it like those cliché moments where the main female and male protagonists hated each other at the beginning, but through out the story, they slowly fell in love with each other. Or the one where the male was a bad boy, but the female changed him into a good person. Either one is fine. Ash might just be your other half! Oh, but beware of love rivals, or your life might end up as a harem genre, like the book 'It's Called Love Right?' that I read awhile ago."

Serena shook her head, and turned towards her friend.

"Dawn, you watch too much anime, get back to reality please."

The blue haired girl rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, come on," she passed her another stack of binders and textbooks. "We have biology next, we should hurry up or else Prof. Sycamore will start screaming at us."

"You're right," Serena laughed nervously, remembering the last time someone was late, how he almost threw a chair at them.

Their biology teacher definitely has anger issues.

As they hurried through the halls cramped with people, many thoughts ran through her head.

Some were about what she was going to do during the boring geography class, while others were about what she's going to do when she gets home. Mostly, her mind rested on Ash and her future life. Was it still possible to get her peaceful life back after all that happened? She shook her head and sighed.

Probably not.



Did you like this first chapter?

I've procrastinated so much to write the first chappie sowwwie <\3

Well, um yeah...



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