Just a little pinch of spice

Start from the beginning

"Oh don't look so upset, it's just saying that you work here so I can add you onto the payroll." The smirk that was menacing only moments ago had turned into a more playful one, Jack took that as a good sign and put his signature on the paper. Taking the paper into hand Pitch walked off into a room where Jack guessed was his office, and shut the door. 

Line break 

It was only about ten minutes later when Jack's first customer had arrived. Jack wasn't nervous at all. His first job had been at Hooter when he was seventeen, and when he turned eighteen he was taken out of work in the kitchen and made a host. He had learned soon after becoming a host how to deal with any type of customers. To settle a lawsuit the Hooters managers had to hire a male waiter and as Jack was easy on the eyes and a bit girly himself, he was chosen to be the restaurants first male waiter in the area. In fact he had a whole bunch of people who would request him as a server when they came in to eat. When he quit to go to college a little less than a year later, many of the regulars were sad to see him go and the workers all put together some money and got him a necklace. The necklace itself was an odd amulet that looked like a symbol but it was a gift from his friends and it was pretty so he wore it under his shirt at all Times. It had become like a part of him now, he felt odd when he wasn't wearing it.  

A man around his age walked up to the counter, he was wearing an army uniform and held his head high. 

"Anything I can get for you today, sir?" Jack asked, silently marveling at the handsome man that was standing in front of him.  

"Ahh, yes can I get the witches brew please, it's my favorite." Looking down the recipe list which he soon saw was not alphabetical but listed by what was most popular, Jack nodded.  

"Can do mister!" Jack smiled happily and rushed around making the brew. 

"So are you new here?" The man asked, making sure to flash a smile a Jack. 

"Yeah, I just started here today, that'll be $3.17." He finished, putting the whip cream topped coffee on the counter. The man gave him the money and started to walk off before turning around. 

"My name's Don, I didn't quite catch yours?" Jack blushed 

"Oh my names Jack, Jack Frost." The soldier walked out of the store, repeating the name softly to himself.  

The rest of the day passed in the same fashion. Everyone seemed to love the new employee at All Hallows. When Pitch came out of his office about twenty minutes before closing time, he was surprised to see a long line that stretched out of the store. He was about to yell at Jack for letting the line get so long, when he realized that Jack was actually working at a faster pace than even Loki had worked at, it just seemed that for some reason there had been an inrush of customers. Pitch stepped in beside Jack and activated the second register, which he actually hadn't had to use since he had it installed. They just never seemed to have enough customers to have to use two registers.  

"I'll take the next person in line." Pitch called, a few other people stepped over but most of them stayed in Jack's lane. 

"Oh no way, I'm staying right here Louise, I want to see that boy that Don was talking about!" He heard someone tell their friend who was moving to his register.  

"Mary-Ann told me that he was like a total hottie, like she would break up with Ashton if he asked her out." Another girl gossiped as the line to Jack's register slowly decreased in size. Pitch continued taking orders while watching Jack deal with his line. Pitch couldn't believe it when his line was empty and everyone was still waiting in Jack's line. Pitch went and put a closed sign on the door, hoping to stop the crowd from getting any larger. And soon both Jack and Pitch had cleared out the coffee house.  

Jack wiped his forehead and looked towards Pitch, not sure what to do next. 

"Your official schedule is all week and the weekends off. You will get 9.19 an hour, welcome to All Hallows, Jack." Jack gulped and nodded his head.  

"Well it wasn't as bad as I thought actually, I'm glad to be working here." Speaking of working, Jack suddenly remembered the offer he had received from a Russian Santa yesterday.  

"Do you know what time it is?"  

"9:03" Jack ran around the counter and to the door, shouting, 

"See you tomorrow!" Which was soon followed by "Oh shit, I'm already late!" as he exited the store. Jack ran strait into the Christmas cafe and was greeted by the oddest site. 

A giant man who looked like a professional wrestler was leaning up against the Christmas tree decorated wall, next to an even bigger guy who looked like he could snap Jack in half with his thumb. The Russian Santa was standing next to a short woman who wore a dress that looked like it was made from several colorful birds. The all looked over as the door bells jingled and simultaneously greeted him. 

"Welcome Jack." Jack paled and backed up to the door, what had he gotten himself into?

AN- Well this actually turned out to have more of a plot than I first thought it would...Actually they were all supposed to be perfectly normal people and it was just supposed to be a coffeeshop AU where two coffee shops had crazy battles to try and outsell the other, but now apparently one of those categories is gonna have to change to fantasy(Even though all that stuff about the bag and the amulet were added in for no reason, They've now given me ideas!) We get to meet the wacky staff of the Christmas cafe though, and maybe learn a little bit about this 'rivalry' between the shops. Please review!

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