Finally, the day came when I arrived on the set of Camp Rock

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Finally, the day came when I arrived on the set of Camp Rock. Seeing everyone was like a reunion. The first night we had a bonfire & got reaquainted with everyone. The crew had set up the various sets earlier in the day while the cast got settled in our rooms & had class. We had a teacher on the set for us. School would be fun with all my friends. I had been home schooled since I was 12, so I was used to this way of teaching but usually it was just me & my sister.

The Jonas Brothers didn't arrive until right before the bonfire started

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The Jonas Brothers didn't arrive until right before the bonfire started. I was sitting with Alyson & Meaghan when I saw Nick. He had a guitar slung over his shoulder & he looked incredibly sexy. He was wearing a pair of black jeans & a red hoodie. He sat down on a log bench & Joe sat next to him. They were talking & laughing. Kevin sauntered toward them, talking on his phone. Kevin ended his conversation & put his phone away & started saying hello to everyone around him. A few of the guys from the crew gathered around Nick & Joe. Nick strummed on his guitar, which sat, now on his lap. He wasn't playing anything in particular. He just stroked the strings gently in a soothing rhythm. The fire crackled in front of him, casting a flickering shadow across his face.

I was watching Nick when he suddenly looked my way. I smiled & waved my fingers at him. He nodded with a tiny smirk & looked down at the fire. A few minutes later, he started to play a familiar song. It was "Let it Be" by the Beatles. We all went in closer to the boy with the guitar, as if he was a God. In a sense he was, because he could play anything. He & Joe started singing in perfect harmony, of course & eventually, everyone else joined in. After that song was over, he went right into another song. This went on for quite some time. He played old songs & a few that were current on the radio at the time. It was incredible how well he played & sang. His voice was raspy at times & I think it was changing as he was becoming a man. It didn't matter. He still sang beautifully. I was mesmerized. He barely looked at me the whole time he was playing & for some reason I was a little disappointed. I hoped I was wrong & that he did like me. It wasn't looking like he cared that I was there.

It was close to midnight when Nick finally put the guitar down & stood up. He stretched & headed over to the food table. I watched him grab a plate & load it up. He sat down to eat at a picnic table that his brothers were sitting at. I watched him interact with his brothers & he was smiling, talking & laughing a lot. Alyson nudged me. "Go over there. You know you want to."

I looked at her in disbelief. "What? No I don't. I was just.... observing."

"Sure." Her voice lowered. " I won't say anything to anyone if you have a crush."

I laughed. "I don't have a crush."

She just smiled & got up & headed toward the table where Nick sat. She sat across from Nick & they started talking. I sighed. I contemplated for a few minutes & then gave in. I headed over there, too. On my way over I debated on where to sit. There was a spot next to Nick on the edge of the bench or a spot between Alyson & Kevin. If I sat between Alyson & Kevin it would look too obvious that I was avoiding sitting next to Nick. Maybe I could squeeze my butt on the tiny edge of the bench next to Alyson across from Nick. With my luck I would fall off & look like an idiot. I decided I would just stand at the end of the table near Alyson & see if she moved down.

Nick looked up as I approached. I waved at everyone. "Hi guys."

Everyone said their own version of a greeting. Alyson had a sly smile on her lips. I know what she was thinking. She wasn't budging so she'd force me to sit next to Nick. Joe & Nick were talking about one of the songs they had sung earlier.

"You guys sounded great!" I interjected.

Joe smiled. "Thanks Demi. Glad you enjoyed it. Maybe next time you could sing with us."

"I'd love to!" With that I sat down next to Nick. He rolled his eyes & scooted closer to Joe as if I had a disease. I felt an ache in my chest. Even Alyson noticed & gave me a genuine smile. She started a conversation with me immediately. I was so grateful. I don't even remember what we talked about.

At some point everyone got up from the table except me, Alyson & Nick. Nick was listening to our conversation but not saying anything. I can imagine he was pretty bored. I think we were talking about the dance moves in the movie. Someone called for Alyson & she left the table. Nick & I were alone. He had scooted even further from me after Joe had gone. He sipped at his can of diet Coke.

I was surprised when he spoke up first. "Are you a good dancer?"

I looked at him & shrugged. " I don't know. I guess. I'm not horrible but I'm not a ballroom dancer or anything."

He nodded & took another swallow of his soda.

"Do you dance?" I asked.

He almost spit out his drink. "Not at all." He laughed as if he was recalling a funny memory.

"You look like you have potential."

He looked right into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. "How is that?"

I blushed & was relieved it was dark so he couldn't tell. "You have a nice body & have rhythm in your blood."

He kept staring at me. I kept glancing away, nervously. I was afraid if I stared back at him I would lean in & kiss him. He smiled & laughed suddenly at the same time. I saw his teeth flash in the dark. "If you say so...." He stopped laughing & took another drink. "I'd love to watch you dance sometime." He looked down at his can & traced the rim with his finger.

I didn't know what to say. I was surprised by his statement. "Really?" I watched his face closely. "You want to see me dance.... hmmm....And to think I thought you didn't like me."

Nick's eyes found mine. "Seriously?" He asked. "Why would anyone not like you?"

Blushing again, I stared at him. I smiled. Then I giggled. "It's impossible not to like me ya know?"

He laughed. I absolutely loved his laugh. I wanted to hear it again. "I can see that." He smiled at me, showing me his teeth. I realized that he had been inching toward me. We were only a few inches from each other & I wanted to reach out & touch his face. I wanted to grab his face & press his lips into mine. Thank goodness my impure thoughts were interrupted by Alyson sitting back down across from me. The rest of the night, I tried to ignore the warm & fuzzy feelings I was having for Nick & contrated on just being his friend.

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