"I miss you too bestie. I'm coming to see you this weekend. I'm riding back with Jordan and Bryson." She said.

"That's so far away." I said.

"Girl that's two days. I got class in twenty minutes and I'm mahfucking tired." She said like young thug daughter making me laugh.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"Go feed my god baby and I'll text you after class."

"Ugh ok. I love you."

"I love you more." She blew me a kiss and hung up.

I sighed. I missed being at school and being around my friends.

Brother 😎💪🏼: you want something to eat before I come by?

Yes please, I want a chicken box

I locked my phone and got up going downstairs to get me something to drink.

"I didn't know you was home." I said to my father.

"I left work early, when I got home you was sleep. I called your name but you was acting like you was dead to the world."

"Why you play so much." I laughed grabbing a water bottle and a pack of gushers.

"Did you eat yet?" He asked me.

"Not since this morning but my brother bringing me something to eat."

"Spoiled ass."

"You spoil me too daddy." I stuck my tongue out at him. "I got it." I said walking to the door to open it.

I opened it and Moriah and Journey walked in.

"Thank you." I said taking the food from him. "Hey Journey."

"Hey Freedom."

I took my food in the dining room and sat at the table opening it. When that smell of ketchup hit my nose my stomach immediately started to turn. I got up from the seat and ran to the bathroom. I bent over immediately throwing up in the toilet. Once I was done I flushed the toilet and got up to brush my teeth again. Being pregnant was no joke, every once in a while I would catch myself throwing up and I hated it.

"You ok Freedom?" Journey asked standing at the door way.

"Yea I'm good, that ketchup smell just caught me off guard."

"It be like that sometimes, you want to go to the mall with me? I need to find something to wear to my friend birthday thing."

"Yea, I need to get some fresh air and walk around."

"Ok, I'll be downstairs." She said and walked away.

I went to my room and took my pants off putting on a pair of jeans. I put on my long sleeve black top and slipped on my purple uggs. I grabbed my purple north face putting in on and then grabbed my bag. My hair was up in a curly bun so I just left it that way. After grabbing my phone I made my way downstairs into the living room.

"Really Moriah." I said looking at him eating my food. "How you going to eat something you brought for me."

"I didn't know you still wanted it, my bad Free."

My eyes literally became watery looking at him eat my food and it looked really good.

"I'm ready Journey." I said rolling my eyes at Moriah.

"Journey will take you to get more food."

I ignored him and started walking to the door. I was mad at him, I was planning on eating that.

Love with a PassionWhere stories live. Discover now