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"Get up you lazy ass!"A familiar voice yelled while jumping on my bed.

"You want to die or...."I said looking pissed at Cam.

"Noo!C'mon you didn't leave the house from the day Justin left!We can go swimming aaaand dancing aaand we can buy ice-cream,C'mon get up you bitch!"He said and I feel a pillow coliding with my face and I fell on the carpet.

"Aham...OUCH!!OKAY I'LL GET UP NOW GET OUT YOU HYPERACTIVE DUMBASS!!"I yelled at him and he just smiled.

"Ok love you to."He said and he left the room.

The fuck just happened?

I shook my head and I got dressed.I take my phone,my beach bag and I left a note to my dad saying that I'm out with Cam.I left the house and I see him on the phone.

"You better get off that phone or I'll kill you"I said and he laughed.He put his phone into his pocket and we started walking.

The walk wasn't long because we have beach houses.When we came there,I out my bag down and I take off my shorts and top,leaving me in my bikini.

"Damnn Vic...I have a better body than you"He said and I laughed.

"Yeah yeah"I said.

"What!Do you see this six pack?"he said dramaticly.I giggle and I came next to the water.

I look at the beautiful beach and I heard a click.I look around and see paparazzi.I look away and just ignore them but I see more flashes.Damn they are anoying.Cam came next to me and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Stupid paparazzi."I said and he looked at them and back at me.He had a smirk on his face and I knew what he wanted.

"On 3?"he asked I nodded.




We turned around and gave them the middle finger and they went crazy.We laughed and got into the water.The whole time we splashed eachother and we had a great time.We eat some ice-cream and we were curently walking to his house.

"So how are you and Justin"He asked.

"Well we didn't talk for 3 days...I text him,call him and nothing"I answered and frowned a little.

"Sooo do I have to kick some butt?"He asked and I laughed.I love Cam because he can make me laugh all the time.

"No you don't have to."I smiled at him and realised we were already infront of his house.

"Good couse if I did,I would have to pay a lot for his famous butt"He said and laughed.

We entered the house and sat on the floor of his room.

"You up for pizza?"He asked and I nodded.

He ordered the pizza and in the meanwhile we played some games.We ate the pizza and we watched TV.

"Do you want to sleepover?"He asked.

"Yeah I'll text my dad"I answered and he nodded.

To dad❤️:
I'm at Cam's.Sleepover.I'll be home in the morning.

He answered back with a "ok" and I put my phone away.Cam came next to me and we layed down.We were scroling trough channels when a certen topic made my eyes go wide and my palm go across my mouth.

"Justin Bieber caught with another girl?Is the spark between him and Victoria Brown gone?
At Sunday night our crew cought Justin Bieber clubing with the "Same Old Love" singer Selena Gomez.It seems they were really enjoying eachother.I mean,they KISSED and they left the club while holding eachothers hands.I hope out Victoria isn't watching this,she lost her mother and now this.Well guys this all for tonight.Until next time,bye!"

I just stod there while crying.So the reason he wasn't answering was Selena?!And they kissed and God how did they find out about my mother?!!

"Vic I'm so sorry you had to see this."Cam said while hugging me.I just cryied in his arms while he was wispering sweet words into my ear.I soon fell asleep with my heart shattered.

A/N hey guys sorry I didn't update lately and this chapter is really short but the next one will be longer.Again sorry I'll try to update later today or tomorrow.❤️

Dancing for Justin Bieber *major editing*Where stories live. Discover now