December 4th

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"Time to put up the popcorn! Yay!" Alvin yelled. "Popcorn?" There was popcorn? "Yeah Theodore," Simon said as he walked in, "We put popcorn garlands around the tree." "Just how we put strings of lights!" Alvin intervened. "Cool!" This was great! I love popcorn! Simon took a large bag of ready popcorn as Alvin took a ball of string and kept spinning it around. "Alright that's enough Alvin." Said Simon but Alvin didn't listen and kept spinning. "I said that's enough, Alvin." He repeated but Alvin still didn't listen. "Alvin!" He yelled one last time, once again, ignored. Simon took the scissors and cut the string, looking annoyed. "Haha! Sorry!" Alvin said, probably not meaning it. Simon pulled the string and Alvin almost tripped. "Uh huh." Simon said sarcastically. "Anyway, let's gets started, shall we?" He said as he put a piece of popcorn through the string. "Oh come on! I can go faster than that!" Alvin claimed. "Alright than Mr. Confident, you do it!" Simon handed the string to Alvin and Alvin snatched it. "My pleasure!" He started quickly putting popcorn through the string. He was putting them three at a time on the string. Or was it four? "See Simon? I'm much faster than you are!" Simon rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He clearly stated. "Ha! Your just jealous!" Alvin said, stepping back into a pile of popcorn, hearing a big crunch. "Yeah, totally jealous!" Simon smirked as took the string from Alvin and started putting popcorn on it. "Hmpt!" Alvin said, brushing the popcorn off himself. A short while later, Simon finished putting the popcorn through the string. "Ok now let's put it up." "Took you long enough!" "Alvin." Simon said firmly and looked at Alvin with a stern glare. "Fine. I'll be quiet." "Good." Simon started wrapping around the popcorn garland from the bottom of the tree. Alvin came towards me and whispered to me, "hey Theo, wanna go help Simon?" "Sure." I whispered back although I wasn't so sure this was a good idea. I went toward Simon and helped him wrap the popcorn around the tree. "Thanks Theodore." He said. "Your welcome, Simon." I smiled. Alvin was smirking. I wonder what he was thinking about. As I watched Simon wrapping around the string, I started to become tempted to eat the popcorn. Oh it looks so good! Don't eat it. Don't eat it! That's it, I can't take it! I started pulling off the popcorn and stuffing it in my mouth. So good! Just then, Simon noticed the disappearing popcorn, "Hey what happened to the popcorn?" Alvin stated laughing. "I don't know, why don't you ask Theodore?" "Ugh Theodore! You're not supposed to eat it!" "Sorry! I couldn't help myself!" I knew this was a bad idea... But it was so delicious! "See Simon, I'm not the only troublemaker!" "Yeah right, Alvin. You told him to help me because you knew he would eat it." "But he ate it!" Simon rolled his eyes. "Alright, why don't you go get some more popcorn." "Fine." Alvin said as he went to the kitchen. "And Theo?" "Yes, Simon." "Please don't eat it this time." "Sorry Simon..." I answered. Simon stepped off the ladder and pulled something from behind the couch. It was the bag of popcorn that we apparently didn't finish. "Here Theo, have this." "Yay popcorn! Thanks Simon!" "No problem Theodore!" Just then Alvin walked in with more popcorn. "Are you kidding me! There was left over and you sent me to get more?!" "What you deserve." Simon said as we both laughed at Alvin. "Haha very funny!" He said sarcastically. We continued to laugh at him. After all he did deserve it. Suddenly a piece of popcorn flew and hit Simon's face. "Hey!" "And that's what you deserve!" "Oh yeah?" Simon through one back at him and I joined him too. Pretty soon we were throwing popcorn all over the place! And of course, Dave happened to walk in at this moment. "What happened here? Why is there popcorn all over the place?!" We all stopped and looked directly at Dave and didn't respond. "You know what, I don't even want to ask. Just pick up all this popcorn or I'll ground the three of you. I want to see it clean next time I come downstairs. Understood?" "Yes Dave." We answered simultaneously. After Dave walked upstairs, we all broke out in laughter."Haha! Did you see the look on his face?" Alvin exclaimed as we continued to laugh."When Dave walks into a popcorn fight." Simon said laughing harder. "Haha!" I said unable to speak because of cramps from laughing. "Good thing the Chippettes aren't to think we're insane!" Alvin managed to blurt out just when the Chippettes happened to walk in and look at us like we were mad men. We all stopped. "Oh uh... Hi..." Simon said, nervously. "Ok..." Brittany said, "Dave told us to come and help you guys clean up a popcorn mess and looks like you sure do need the help." Alvin rolled his eyes. "Well for your information, we were having a popcorn fight." "Yeah I think we kind of figured that out." "Whatever, now are you going to help us or not?" "Yeah, yeah. Fine. Now let's go get the broom." She said reluctantly as she headed toward the kitchen. "I'll go get it first!" Alvin shouted. "No way! I'm getting it and you can't stop me!" "Oh yeah?" Alvin said as he pushed her. "Hey!" They both ran into the kitchen, pushing and shoving each other as Simon, Jeanette, Eleanor and I started picking up popcorn. "We've never really seen you guys get together so well." Jeanette started. "Yeah! It's a rare sight to see!" Eleanor picked off where Jeanette left off. "Oh..." Simon said as I picked off where he left off, "Well I guess we were just having so much fun with this popcorn fight that--" "That we just forgot about our feud." "Well that's a good thing to hear." Jeanette said as she smiled at Simon and Simon smiled back. "It sure is!" Eleanor said to me and smiled as I smiled back. "Hey where are Alvin and Brittany? They've been gone for a while." Jeanette asked and we all shrugged.

"Alright Britt, hand it over and no one gets hurt!" "You can't hurt me! I'm a girl!" She answered. "Aw man, plan A has failed!" "Plan A?" She looked at me confused. "So are there more?" "Of course there are! When Alvin wants something, he gets it!" "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" I said as I took a step toward her. Our noses were touching. She blushed and her grip on the broom loosened for a split second and I snatched the broom from her hands and ran. "Ha! Told ya! I win! Plan B for the win! Haha!" I yelled back at her. I heard her saying, "oh why did I have to like such a loser?" I stopped, turned around and yelled, "Cause this loser is irresistible!" She rolled her eyes, shook her head, and put her hands on her hips, smiling, "Yeah, ok!" Yep, she definitely likes me.

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