Chapter 3

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Katherine's POV

"Uncle Sam!" I screamed making my way to him and hugged him very tightly. "Hey baby girl! How long I haven't seen you? You are so beautiful! Well don't roam around too much! Don't want to attract boys here now do we?" He said the last part a bit sternly while I laughed. "Don't worry Uncle! If they run towards me, I'll make sure they run away from me! Haha!" With that we went in the house for dinner. It was 19:54 and I was already starving!

It was as if I was on hunger strike! So I went to my room to have a shower. It was quite hot here and the heat was killing me! Then I got dressed up in my pjs which consisted of some short shorts and a blue tank top.

I ran downstairs and a heavenly scent of which we call spaghetti hit my nose and my mouth became watery. As I sat down for dinner, a plate of spaghetti with some cheese was kept in front of me and I dig in as if I haven't eaten for ages.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow Kate?" Delilah asked me breaking the silence. Did I mention that she was staying here since she came here? Nope? Okay now you know it. "Delo. I'm very much tired so tomorrow I want to do some shopping and then the day after we go through the forest for the photos... Ok?" As I said shopping she looked at me as if I've grown two heads. "What?" I asked her under her very uncomfortable look.

"You? And shopping? Please someone pinch me to finish this very impossible dream! Please please please! Katherine Michaels HATES shopping and now she herself is telling?" With that she stood up and said while taking a knife in her hand "Hey! Who are you? Where's my best friend?" Which cause me of course to roll my eyes.

Well her drama kept continuing which amused me very much. But still it was getting late. So someone had to shut her mouth! Then why not I do the pleasure? So I dragged her in our room as she got her bed shifted in my room so we are roommates also! Then we kept talking till we fell asleep...

Hey readers! Plz don't forget to read, vote and comment!!! That counts much to me! Thank you!

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