Chapter 2

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Katherine's POV

19 hours later...

What a long journey! I swear my head was pounding like someone hit me with a hammer from the landing of the plane. I was now outside the airport in search of a certain red head AKA my best friend Delilah. I stood on my tip toes as I was quite short, 5'4 to be exact.

"Kate! Kate! I'm here!" I recognized this cheerful voice to be Delilah's. "Hey Delo!" We both squealed in excitement as we hugged each other. "Let's go home! Uncle Sam is waiting for his little Katie at home!" Delilah dramatically said. Delilah is my friend since kindergarten. Then we went to school and high school together. The best part is my parents and her parents even are school friends! How great right?

Well now we were in the car on the way to Uncle Sam's. "Delilah" "Mhmmm" She answered as she was drinking her milkshake. Well I'm surprised that she eats so much and she doesn't get fat. (Well you could get that looking at the mess in the car.)

"How's Nick?" I asked. She stiffened at the question then she answered stuttering "We br-broke up la-last week... He was ch-ea-ting on me!" In case you haven't understood Nick's her boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend.

"OMG Delo! Why didn't you tell me?" I exclaimed. She always tell me everything then why not this? " Kate...I was about to tell you when we get home. I didn't want to tell you this and make you sad honey..." She said parking the car at the side of the road and started crying. We hugged each other and told her "Oh come on Delo! Don't cry over that Douche of a boyfriend! He doesn't deserve you at all! You will get a better guy than him...Trust me!"

She cried a little more and started driving again. Then we arrived at the entrance of the forest. Uncle Sam lived in the middle of the forest. He didn't like to socialize with people too much. But he did have many friends. Then at last we arrived 'home' and my mouth was hit the floor. Only one word: Wow! The house was so beautiful!

Not huge but was like a cabin... it was made of wood. "Close your mouth Kate if you don't want flies to get in. And speaking about flies, there are too many here" Delilah told me. Then suddenly I saw a short man dressed up like a cowboy who I recognize to be my dearest Uncle Sam.

*Picture of Delilah on the side*

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