Chapter Twenty-One - Celebrations and dances

Start from the beginning

"What? You already know?"

"Yeah, I guess we found out a while back, but he didn't even know himself. Or he was trying to hide it from everyone and himself. He told us he liked you, but we knew something was wrong about it all. I mean, it's nothing bad on you. I just had a hunch that something wasn't right"

Later, I am pulled to the side and I see Christian, he is drunk. He stumbles and slurs

"Hey, what's up?" I ask

"You know I care about you right?" he asks

"Chris... don't do this" I say "... not here"

"Look, I... really do... love you... I couldn't do... anything with Ch-Charlotte because I... love... you too much" he slurs and hiccups between words

"Chris... I... I know how you feel about me. I know how Julian feels about me... but our parents are married. I know I feel something for you... for both of you... but this won't work with us. It just won't" I say

I know, it's harsh, but it's true.

I know we can't be together... not the three of us. Not with our parents being married. It's wrong what we are doing now. Never mind what would happen to us.

Just as I am about to leave him when he pulls me back to him and kisses me.

I feel myself about to cave, but then I remember where we are, so I push him away from me and walk away.

A while passes and Charlotte stops me, her face evidently annoyed

"You had to ruin things didn't you?" she says to me

I look up at her "sorry?"

"You heard me... since you became their stepsister, they haven't been the same. I know how they feel about you. I can see it in their eyes when they look at you. But I know they can't have you because you're their stepsister. I know they liked you before that, but never really acted on it. Just leave them alone and stop trying to steal them away from me. They're mine"

I raise an eyebrow at her "how can I leave them alone when I live with them?"

"Just... you'll think of something"

"What will you do if I don't?"

"I'll be your worst nightmare"

I laugh "ha! That doesn't faze me"

"Then... then I'll go to your parents and tell them what's been going on with you and the boys. New York for example and the Lake house" she says and I raise both eyebrows at her in surprise. How does she know about that? "And you're probably wondering how I know... Well, your friend Kayla has a big mouth on her when she's had a few drinks in her. She told me everything"

Why would Kayla do that to me?

"You're lying... she wouldn't have said anything"

"Come on, she told me at the Halloween party. It wasn't hard to get it out of her"

I bite my lip... what if she knows and tells my dad? What will I do then?

"You're getting nervous..." she continues "so, you'll stay away from them?"

I nod "I guess... as much as I can..."


With that, she walks off, obviously going to find either Julian or Christian, or both.

I can't believe I gave in and agreed to this... How can I stay away from them when they live with me?

The next few days pass and I avoid the boys as much as I can at school... until the next week when the winter dance is announced.

My stepbrothers and I (#1) - Editing Where stories live. Discover now