Chapter 7- Last day of school before summer

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[-Alex/Lexi's POV-]

"Lexi, please" Luke begged from the other side of my bedroom door

"No. I'm fat, ugly, stupid.." I've run out of things to say

"Alex, come on. We haven't got all day" Liam said

"No. I'll walk"

"No. You're coming in the car" He said, opening my door and practically dragging me down the stairs to the car

I got in and sighed, fastening my seatbelt

I saw Cassie coming down the road

"Dad, i'm walking with Cassie and Jack" I shouted, unbuckling my seatbelt and running to my bestfriends

"Hey, wassup?" Jack asked before i'd said anything, pulling me into a hug

"You won't freak out, will you?" I asked him

"No. Why?" He asked

"She's pregnant and it'a Luke's" Cassie whispered

"You're pregnant?" He hissed  "Lexi, we're fucking 13. You shouldn't have even had sex until we're about 17"

"Jack, it's my life. If I want to be with Luke, and not be a virgin, then that's not my problem" I said, a little too loud

"Yes it is your problem. Y'know what? Forget it. We can't be friends if you're gonna act like this" He shouted, before storming off

"I told you he'd freak out" I mumbled to Cassie as we passed my house

"Lexi,  he does have a point. But it's the last day of school, so you should at least try and enjoy it, because once you're big, people are gonna notice, and rumors would probably get spread" Cassie sighed

"I'm getting home schooled because of it"

"And will the twins and Lola get home-schooled?"


"Exactly. That's when the rumors will start, because we all know you can't be on any of the school teams if you don't attend there"

"So the twins won't be able to play Soccer, I won't get to have drama lessons and Lola won't get to learn to swim 50 metres" I sighed  "What's going to keep me sane with the twins and Lola around all day?"

"Ask if I can get home-schooled with you. I'll keep you sane" She beamed, but her smile dropped when we walked past Jack and his other mates, who're on the football team

"Yo, Alexis, what's happening between you and Luke?" Sam (the twins' friend) asked  "Owen said he'd banged you, and you've been getting really close"

"Yeah. But that's not your business, Sam" Cassie said, grabbing my arm and leading me to the girls' toilets. We checked it was empty before sitting on the edge of the sinks and re-doing our make-up

"In a few months, you'll be a mother. We need baby plans. Would you get it Christened?"

"Probably. And yes, you'll be the godmother"


"Liam. Possibly. I don't know."

"Baby names?"

"I don't even know what it is, yet"

"Well choose a few girls and boys names. That way you're prepared for either one"

"Ok. girls, Chloe, Allysia, or Bethany. Boys, Connor, Adam or Bailey"

"Allysia or Bailey. No questions" Cassie blurted out, before the bell went.

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