Chapter 4- LALALALA

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The twins and I have fallen out about my eating disorders. It's their fault for trying to make me eat.

"Lexi, what's wrong?" My dad asked.

He knows i've got eating problems but doesn't really think much about it. He says it's my life, my choices.

He won't be saying that when I die before him because i'm slowly dying

"It's nothing dad, I'm fine" I lied, smiling

"Ok, well if you want anything, i'm taking Lola to the park"

"Ok" I looked up at him and hugged him before he left

He went and I was alone in the house.

I went up to my bedroom, turned some music on and logged into facebook on my laptop

Luke  has sent you a relationship request. (1 week ago)

And then I got 6 messages, all from Cassie. I couldn't help but smile when I read them.

Until I felt like I was going to throw up. I covered my mouth with my hand as I dived to the bathroom, to throw up. I did so, and when I was brushing my teeth, something court my eye; Pregnancy test

'No. You're 13, Lexi. Don' t even think about it' The voices in my head are never on my side. Sigh.

I grabbed 2 and read the instructions. Both tests came out saying I'm pregnant, when I peed on them

"No. You have got to be joking. That's why I haven't come on my period." I muttered to myself, walking into my bedroom.

I hid the tests in my knicker draw and went back to my laptop.

I clicked video chat in the chatbox and  accepted it straight away.

"And then this bitch was like 'DON'T'U SWEAR AT ME, YOUNG LADY!' and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so funny" she said, making me laugh

"Cass, there's something for me to tell you" I looked down for a second

"You're pregnant aren't you?" She blurted out

"No" I said quickly "I don't think so. I'm probably just come on late"

"Lexi, we come on at the same time, and your face is really pale, so don't even lie to me"

 "I'm too young to even have sex. And what if it's Luke's? He's my brother for fucks' sake" I moaned

"We'll go to that health-care place tomorrow and get a proper test" She said

"Ok" I nodded "Don't tell anyone. Not even Josh. I don't want him freaking out like he did when we had our first period"

"What're you talking about?" Liam asked, coming and sitting ext to me on my bed

"Nothing" I said

"We think she's pregnant by Luke" Cassie blurted out.

"He fucking what?"

"He fucked her" Cassie laughed and I sent her a death glare

"We don't even know. The tests were probably out of date and had a false reading, and I might've just been sick because food crossed my mind and I might just be late on" I said

"I'm taking you to get a proper test tomorrow" Liam said

"Cassie was gonna take me" I told him

"We'll both take you" Cassie chirped through the screen and I rolled my eyes.

If I'd told Jack, he would've gone absolutly mental, and told me to get an abortion or he's tell the whole school.

"Fine. Bye Cass.Love you" I said before ending the video call

"Does Luke know?" Liam asked

"I only just found out. Besides, if I am pregnant, i'm getting an abortion"

"A fucking what? They cost like, thousands of pounds. Plus, it's practiaclly murder" Liam told me and I sighed

"Would you rather me have an abortion or see your 13 year old step-sister walking around school with a huge baby tummy?"

"Fair point. But still"

"But still what?" Luke asked, grumpily

"Nothing" Liam said, but obviously, Luke saw through his lie  "Tell me"

"I- I'm.."

"KIDS, DINNER" Rebecca shouted, Liam and I sighed in relief

Luke walked out first, followed by Liam, then I went into the bathroom and checked my face was alright

It looked presentable, I guess

I walked downstairs slowly as I heard the twins talking about me. Rebecca came in, cooked dinner, then went back to work, leaving me with the twins because my dad's also at work and Lola is at her friend's house

I heard their convosation

"Luke, if she is pregnant, think about how her dad would feel, and she'd be walking around school with a baby growing inside of her. She's not even allowed to have sex yet, we're not even legally allowed" Liam almost shouted

I walked into the kitchen like I hadn't heard their conversation.

Yeah right. I heard it from the top of the stairs.

I grabbed my bowl of cheese pasta, buttered a slice of bread and a bottle of Coca cola

I went back up to my room and sat on my bed, eating, and thinking about it

-What if I am pregnant?

-How would my dad react?

-What if he abandoned me and kicked me out?

-Would this break me and Jack up?

-Do I even want to keep it?

-Would people bully me twice as much?

Questions running through my head, making me scared.

Cassie came in and turned my laptop on. Maybe I should change my password so she can't log in?

She searched on google for signs of pregnacy and clicked on one of the links

Without a second thought, she pointed at the screen

"There" She pointed to a sentance telling you the obvious and not so obvious signs of a pregnancy, and a pitcure of what the fetus would probably look like

---(the next day)

"I'm sorry, Alexis, but you're pregnant" The doctor said

Those 6 words changed my mood

I was anxious, scared, and tired this morning, as well as sick

Now i'm scared, tired, worried, confused, sick, hurt, bad, pregnant and... happy?


Short and deadly chapter. The next chapter will explain how Luke feels.

How will he react?

You'll just have to find out :D

bye :)

~Kaila x

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