Interview with Author: conleyswifey (Nicole)

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'Nicole' was kind enough to take the time to answer these questions for myself and all you lovely people. I'd like to say a huge thankyou to you, Nicole! It was a pleasure talking to you and getting the chance to know a little bit more about yourself and your writing.

Name: Nicole

Age: 26

Author of: Lots! The Breaking Series, Outlaw Series, Savage Series, Renegades Series, Werewolf Series, Lone Wolf, and many many more.

When did you first join Wattpad and was made you want to?

       A little over two years ago I believe. I had a few fans on fictionpress who were urging me to come here, so I did!

Was Wattpad what made you wish to try writing, or had you began writing before entering the Wattpad community? If so, how long have you been writing?

     Lord have mercy, I've been writing since before the internet was even something that most people had. haha! I've always loved writinga and i've been doing it since I was about 12 or so.

Where do you find the inspiration and the time to write as many stories as you have written? How do you come up with such original, captivating story ideas?

      Honestly I've just been blessed with a never ending supply of new ideas. And writing is my passion so I always make time for it. Occasionally that means neglected other things..oops!



Your story, Once Bitten: Twice Mad, quickly became a hit when you began posting it. What made you want to write a zombie story and why? Do you think that it turned out exactly how you imagined it would? Who doesn't love a good zombie story?

       I'm a huge walking dead fan and so I simply had to attempt to write a zombie tale of my own but of course put a different twist on it by adding the historical fiction element that I'm known for. Honestly it ended up better than i'd hoped. I was going to write a more happily ever after people pleasing ending but decided to do it my own way and I love it. I wouldn't have been as happy with it any other way.

I see that you've written many stories and many different series. Do you have a particular favourite and if so, which and why?

       That's like trying to pick a favorite child! (my middle one by the way....haha!)  My favorite series is probably 'The Breaking Series' simply because I connected so deeply with those characters and they became somehow real to me. My favorite stand alone is Once Bitten-because it took me longer than any other story i've written and controlled my life for months.



Did you ever expect the response you got from the people on Wattpad? And has the astonishing amount of people loving your stories affected you in any way - and if yes, how?

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