[1] strangers

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London's rainy weather is quite inconvenient when you are riding in a convertible with the hood stuck down.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" my boyfriend Beck asks as he pulls into the driveway of my flat.

I nod as seeing him seems to be the highlight of most of my days recently. Spending time with  him is something I always look forward to.

"Most definitely," I assure him flashing a grin as I softly caress his cheek with my left hand.

I know from experience he loves my small acts of affection like this. I personally love intimate acts as well. It probably stems from the hopeless romantic side of my brain.

"I love you," I squeal gleefully which causes him to crack the grin that makes me weak in the knees.

I give him a quick peck on his lips before stepping out of his car trying to rush out of the rain as quick as possible, but then again what does it matter? I'm already soaked.

Lucky me.

I know I should not be complaining as Beck still has to drive all the way to the other side of town through this rigid weather.

Bless his soul.

"Love you too," he sweetly call after me sending me a quick wave before driving off.

Beck has been my boyfriend for just over 7 months now. I would say that he is the textbook definition of the perfect boyfriend — cute, funny, caring and one of the only things in my life that make me undeniably happy.

He is everything I have ever desired in a boyfriend and I am lucky to call him my first. First boyfriend that is.

Not my first you know.We haven't done that yet. I'm not ready for that just yet and he's incredibly understanding about it. Honestly the sweetest guy on earth.

Though one thing that has always bothered me about him is how he responds to female attention. Everywhere we go I see how other woman look at him and I can tell he loves every second of it. I can't blame them though, after all he is very attractive. I just wish he didn't love the attention as much as he does.

It is actually the root of all our fights. We don't really argue about many other things, we're are pretty much on the same page in all other departments, and I am thankful for that.

Once I enter my building I stare between the elevator and stairs for a few minutes before hesitantly deciding on the healthy option.

I have been working on being more fit and that means enduring the 3 story walk up the stairs.

"Bloody hell," I scream as I miss a step,
falling down a flight. I don't know why I do this to myself — exercising even though it's common knowledge that I'm the clumsiest human alive.

After regaining my composure, I carefully continue my way up the rest of the stairs before heading to my door.

"Frick," I mindlessly grumble, "go in you stupid key."

Look at me. Having a conversation with my keys in the middle of the hallway... no wonder my mental sanity is often called in to question.

After moments of fumbling with my keys I realize that my idiotic self was sticking my car key in my house key slot.

Way to go Liv.

Thank God that I didn't get my car key stuck. I'm honestly not in the mood to be waiting up for a locksmith.

"Gemma, open up!" I groan banging on the door, giving up on keys entirely. I'm too tired for this shit.

After a day of unsuccessfully job hunting, I just want to go home and take a nap. You know what they say, job hunting is a job itself with of course the fact that you receive no pay.

I've been looking for a job for months. Every day I wonder why I decided to go into cosmetology. It's quite a cutthroat line of work.

I swear I'm only in a good mood when Beck is around. When he's not, I'm just a typical Brit --constantly in the mood to flip the finger at any one who crosses my path.

The door is opened moments later making me stumble a bit. Not my smartest idea to lean on a door that I knew would be opened shortly.

I notice shoes in my line of vision which surprises me as Gemma typically hates wearing shoes when she's at home. She kicks them right off as she enters, so it was a bit of an odd sight.

Odd until I looked up and someone that clearly was not Gemma. He looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was.

I'm not sure why he looked so familiar to me but looking at him made me realize that I have never met any guy as beautiful as him.

The way his dark brown curls fell down and rested on his shoulders and his green eyes sparkled as they confusedly looked into mine.

Maybe he was a friend of Gemma's that I have met before but just don't remember... in fact that's probably it. But for all I know, he could just be some psychopath that broke into my flat.

Remind me why I am not screaming bloody murder?

"Um, Gem stepped out to get some groceries," the man informs me awkwardly scratching the back of his head, one of his hands going deep into his curly mop of hair as if he's searching for a treasure.

Doesn't he realize his hair is a treasure? I think it'd be weird if I told him that.

It looks so soft, is it creepy that I want to touch it? I reckon it is.

I ask myself too many questions, I really need to stop.

"Oh alright," I finally reply snapping myself out of my inner conversation. I nod my head although I'm still unsure of why this incredibly hot man was blocking me from entering my own flat.

What the fuck is going on?

"Oh I'm sorry, you're probably rather confused," he remarks and I slightly nod not finding the proper words to use in a situation like this.

"That's a bit of an understatement but indeed I am," I finally utter feeling slightly awkward.

"It's nice to meet you," he begins extending his rather large hand towards me.

I stare at hesitantly but shake it anyway. I'm not the type to be impolite... no matter how odd this situation is.

I'm Gemma's brother, Harry."


new story guys, i hope you like it :)
vote and comment pls, I really appreciate it

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