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I feel my eyes fluttering shut as I tried to stay on my feet. I quickly took out my keys and tried to unlock the door.  But the door pushes itself open.

Huh? I thought grogily.  My mind jumbled words up as the alcohol in my system did it's work.

I grumbled under my breath, pushing the door open, I stepped inside my apartment. It was pitch black. I placed my hand on the switch button when I smell something weird.

It was like a mix of cat food and gasoline, perhaps. My alcoholic mind controlled me as my hand slipped of the switch. I stumbled into the apartment and stubbed my toe against the sofa leg.

"Fuck!" I screamed, cursing repeatedly I took out my phone from my jean's pocket with fumbling hands. I unlocked my phone and activated the flashlight mode.

Instantly the room filled up with a bright light and I growled at the sudden sting on my iris. I blinked for a moment,  getting use to the change of brightness.

When I could finally get use to the bright light, I headed towards my room with the guide of the flashlight as I stepped onto my carpet in the living room.

A 'squish' sound echoed thru my living room as a slimy object squashed under my feet,  passing the sensation up my body. I shivered at the feeling.

I adjusted the flashlight from it pointing to my room, to shining it at my feet. A pinkish brown tube looking thing stick to my feet as I lifted my feet up.

I took a closer look, squinting my eyes I tried to focus on the object. But my eyes kept on unfocusing and focusing. After a short while, I growled with frustration and I bent down, picking up the object.

A watery substance rolled down my arm and I let out a sound of disgust.

Upon closer inspection, my fucked up mind clicked.


I laughed, letting go of the Intestines as I walked away. I drank way too much shots today, hallucinations was one of many symptoms of alcohol.

Within just a few steps, my feet came into contact with something hard yet soft and squishy. I let out a breath of laugh and shone the light at my feet once again. This time it was a head. The eyes are hollowed out, and maggots crawled itself out of the flesh.

I jerked up with fear, then I realised that this was probably a hallucination. I lifted my feet up and kicked the head away.

"Fuck.." As a headache makes its way up into my head. Shaking off the images in my head, I walked my way towards my room. When I reached my queen - sized bed, I throw myself on it, sighing in content. Wiping the slimy substance on my hand onto my pillow. I shrugged, thinking it was just water.

Within a few seconds, I feel darkness taking over me as I lose my consciousness, I fell into a deep slumber within minutes.

When I woke up the next morning,  feeling the handover taking 'good' care of me, I stepped out slowly out of my room, ready for a cup of tea.

I grabbed my phone from my jeans pocket as I walked slowly towards the living room.

When I lifted my head and stared groggily at my living room, I dropped my phone, choking on my own saliva.

It was what I've seen last night. Except this wasn't a hallucination. It never was.

This time the odor was even stronger then last night. The body laid on my red carpet, it's own liquid seeping through the cloth, staining it even more of a darker red. It's mutilated, and gashes and wounds are obvious on the body itself. I see the limbs being town out of their sockets, and the white bone peeking out under the flesh. The intestines lines against one another, like it's been organised by someone. The face was hollowed, as maggots crawled out of the empty eye sockets. The eyes laid beside the intestines, staring at me with its bloodied parts.

This was a psychopath at work, as I stared horrified at the scene unfolding in front of me.

That's why detective shouldn't drink. I recalled from a conversation with a colleague of mine. I heard that once a detective drink, they get shit happening to them.

I stumbled, as a inhuman soumd escape out of me. My detective badge laid on the other side of the room,  my face plastered on it with a huge smile.

I scream.

There's a sharp pain on my head as I ran towards to door. My vision turnt dark as I felt onto the ground, beside the body.

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