9 (Ending)

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Neal's POV

I slid into the passenger seat of Emma's bug. It was weird because I hadn't been in it since I handed it over to August to give to her. And the last time we were in it together, well Henry may or may not have been created. I plead the fifth on that.

Either way, I got a weird vibe as I sat there. Those feeling shortly flew out the window however when I looked over at Emma. Her eyes were completely focused on the road and the mission at hand. I wondered if the kiss had even affected her at all.

Did it mean anything to her? Did she feel anything, anything at all?

I guess saving someone's life, even if said person has been trying to kill you/your family, trumps our questionable relationship status. I decided to ignore my own thoughts and feelings regarding us in that moment.

"Emma, everything is going to be okay." I told her with as much reassurance as I could muster. She gave me a tight nod as we both exited the car and walked towards the apartment.

I watched her take a deep breath as she opened the door.

Emma's POV

To say I was scared would be an understatement. But I was the Savior and the sheriff; I didn't get to be scared, right? And I sure as hell couldn't show it. I took one final deep breath before I opened the door and waited for all hell to break loose in my world again.

"Oh, Emma, you're here!" Mary Margaret exclaimed.

"What happened?" I asked her. A worried David put an arm around her and then I noticed her tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked with my voice full of concern. She took a seat on one of the bar stools and I listened while they explained what they had discovered.

Henry had came by because he hadn't seen Regina for most of the day. She wasn't in her office, she wouldn't answer her phone and no one had seen her or her car for hours. He grew worried and asked them to help. However, they turned up with no clue as to where she could have gone.

They ended up going to Gold and he provided them with some help. Mary Margaret could track Regina, but in doing so she would need to use magical tear drops. What sounded easy enough turned out to be not so pleasant. In that moment she temporary "became" Regina. It worked, but it was more than she bargained for. Apparently my fears had been confirmed and Tamara and Greg were up to no good and whatever their plan was involved kidnapping Regina.

They tortured her and poor Mary Margaret had to bear the pain as well. She lasted long enough to recognize the location, but the magic wore off when Regina lost consciousness.

"Regina isn't perfect Emma, but she is family." Mary Margaret said once David finished with the recap. I nodded my head.

"Where's Henry?" Neal asked. I had forgotten for a brief second that he was here too.

"With Gold. We figured he was the safest with him." David answered.

I didn't like the idea of Henry being in Gold's care, but at the very least he could protect him if something happened. That gave me some comfort.

"So we need to get to Regina right away. I will go to the Cannery. You two stay here and Neal, maybe go check on Henry?" I suggested.

Mary Margaret and David vetoed my plan. They told me that we were all going to rescue Regina. Neal once again insisted on coming too. Being clearly out voted, I agreed.

My parents would wait outside the cannery and Neal and I would go inside to search for the kidnappers and Regina. That was our plan.

They hopped in David's truck and Neal and I drove in the bug. We rode in silence for the most part and didn't speak until we were about to enter the building.

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