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Neal's POV

I tried to push Tamara out of my head as much as possible. If she was determined to wait after I clearly told her she shouldn't, then so be it. I couldn't do anything else about it.

Today my focus was solely on hanging out with Henry. Emma was coming too, so that was a bonus. I arrived a little earlier than them so I picked an empty table in the arcade and waited. They walked through the door not long after I had sat down. I nodded my head and they made their way over.

"Hey," I greeted them.

"Hey Neal," Henry replied absently. His attention was on the games around us.

"Go ahead Kid," I told him and gave him some change. He needed no further encouragement as he made a beeline for Ms. Pacman.

Emma laughed and I couldn't help but to as well.

"How are you Neal?" She asked as she sat down.

"Can't complain," I shrugged, "yourself?"

"Well the town hasn't been sucked into another curse so I guess things are pretty good," She joked. I laughed again.

"So this is his idea of bonding huh?" I jerked my thumb towards our son. He was completely focused on the game in front of him and oblivious to everything and everyone around him.

"Well what did you expect when you asked if he wanted to go to an arcade?"

"I guess I have a lot to learn then."

"You'll get there," She told me. I smiled at her and she slowly returned the gesture.

Silence and a wave of awkwardness passed over us. Emma directed her attention to Henry and I just continued to observe her. She was just as beautiful, if not more, as she was all those years ago. The only difference was that now she had more of an edge to her. She had become more harden and guarded. And was mostly my fault.

Emma's POV

He was staring at me. I could feel it. His burning gaze never left my face and it bothered me. But why? Why was I so nervous?

He asked me a question, but I didn't hear him.

"What?" I commanded myself to look at him. Calm down, Emma. This isn't a date or anything. Get a grip! I told myself.

"I said, how's Snow?" He repeated.

"She's fine," She had done a complete 360 over the last couple of days. I didn't know why or what happened, but I was glad. I hated dancing around her feelings 24/7.

"Gold?" I asked in return since we were on the topic of parents. He shrugged his shoulder.

"You still haven't talked to him?" His entire facial expression changed.

"No." He said flatly. I was about to ask why, when he spoke again.

"And I don't plan on doing it anytime soon," He informed me.

"Look I know he's got some issues, anyone can see that, but he did do all of this for you. You're not even going to try to hear him out?" I really didn't know why I was suddenly playing the devil's advocate.

Neal scoffed.

"He did this for me, is that what you think?" He tossed back.

"Uh, yeah. I should know since I had to end it," I disputed.

"He wouldn't have had to create the curse if he hadn't choose his magic over me," Neal said bitterly.

"What exactly happened anyway?" I inquired.

Neal didn't answer right away. I could see a mixture of sadness and anger consume his face and a pang of sadness formed in my chest for him. I know Gold loved him, but what did he do?

"Magic Happened. He let it completely change him although he said it wouldn't. He said he did whatever he did to protect me. But how was scaring any and every one away protecting me? How was killing people for no reason protecting me? It pushed me further away until I felt like running away. But then I had an idea; we could run away and leave his magic behind. The only thing was...he couldn't. I fell through that portal alone," He explained.

"God, that's...that's heavy," I said in disbelief.

"Yeah," was all he said.

"I'm sorry Neal," I told him gently and almost reached my hand out towards his. Thankfully I came to my senses and stopped myself.

"He is too apparently." A small smirk appeared on his face.

"Can I have more quarters?" Henry asked. I didn't even notice him at first.

"Yeah sure kid," I passed him a handful of change. He smiled before running back.

"Well at least he's having fun," Neal remarked.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"I am too," He commented.

"You are?" I asked, shocked by his words.

"Yeah, why not? Other than discussing my father this has been alright." He answered. I didn't tell him that I was enjoying his company too. It reminded me of when we used to hang out in the bug and just talk. Talk about our dreams, our future together, Tallahassee.

The pizza Neal ordered finally arrived and Henry finally left the games alone long enough to eat. It was a bit strange, yet it felt normal just being here together like a real family. We ate and talked a bit until I noticed the time.

"Kid, we have to go," I told Henry as I wiped my mouth.

"Aw, come on we're having fun," Neal whined, which made Henry join him.

"Don't make me the bad guy here. He has school tomorrow,"

"Fine. I'll walk you to your car," Neal offered.

"You don't have to," I told him, but it fell on deaf ears. He had already begun standing up with Henry following him.

I rolled my eyes as I tried to suppress the urge to smile.

Once we reached the car, Henry slid into the passenger seat as I headed to the opposite side.

Neal opened the door for me, but I didn't get in just yet.

"I had a pretty okay time too Neal," I let him know.

He rewarded me with a smile and I was happy to see him out of the mood his mental trip to the past caused.

"Good. We'll have to do this again. Right buddy?" He looked over at Henry for confirmation. Henry was too occupied with the radio to hear him though.

"Yes we will," I answered for him. "Good night Neal".

"Night Emma, Henry," Neal said. I shut the door and pulled off.

As we drove away, I gave Neal one final look in the rear view mirror.

The Thief Who Stole her HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz