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Neal's POV

I had to leave before sunrise to ensure that no one would notice my absence. I hated leaving without saying good-bye, but I wasn't going far. I needed enough time to see Tamara, talk to her, and get back to Storybrooke. That was the plan at least, but who knows how it would actually work out?

I spotted Tamara through a wave of people coming into the airport's lobby. She looked beautiful in that moment; casually dressed with minimal makeup. It brought me back to the time we had met, but I couldn't afford that trip down memory lane, for if I did, I wouldn't be able to go through with this.

"Tamara!" I called out through my cupped hands. She looked over in my direction and smiled when her eyes found mine.

"I've missed you so much!" She said as she planted a small kiss onto my lips.

"Yeah," I replied awkwardly, as I stuffed my hands in my pocket. She was oblivious to my nervousness and just continued smiling at me.

"How was your flight?" I asked as I picked up her small bag. She wouldn't be needing it anyways I thought to myself.

"Fine," She answered as she followed me out. We caught a taxi to a small coffee shop not too far from the airport.

Once seated, there was an invisible cloud of tension surrounding around us. I cleared my throat at last and decided to get this over with. It was now or never.

"Tamara," I began.

"Yes Neal?" She twirled her engagement ring around her finger. Feeling even more guilty, I pulled my eyes away from the rock and looked into her eyes.

"Tamara, I really care about you, you know that right?" She nodded her head slowly.

"I've thinking about the last couple of days. A lot has happened and I really can't leave Maine right now."

She was silent, so I continued.

"I know it's not fair to ask you to put your life on hold and wait for me, so I'm not asking you to. I'm actually asking you...not to," I could no longer look at her, so I took a bite out of my blueberry muffin.

"Are you dumping me?" She whispered, which made me almost choke. I placed it back down onto the plate.

"Don't say it like that," I begged her. Hearing those words felt like tiny knives being jabbed into my chest.

"I love you too much to string you along is all. There are a lot of unresolved issues between my Father and I, but I think I'm finally ready to work it out. And I have a son. He needs me; they need me and I need them."

"A son?!" She shouted in disbelief. Heads turned in our direction; strangers wondering what all the fuss was about. I paid them no attention. In my haste to put an end to things, I had forgotten that I hadn't yet told her about Henry. Get it together, Cassidy I chastised myself.

"Yes. I just found out, but I can't just leave him now Tamara," I tried to get her to understand.

"So you cheated on me?" Pain and anger laced her words and it was hard to ignore. What was I doing? Why was I hurting her like this?

"No, of course not; He's eleven."

"This is a lot to take in Neal,"

"I know, and I don't want to suck you into this. I'm sorry, Tamara. I really am. You can keep the ring, but please move on and find someone without all this baggage," I gently patted the back of her hand. A small, sad smile took form on her face.

"I'll wait, Neal. I'll stay here with you, but give you your time and space. I love you," She replied earnestly and placed her other hand on top of mines.

I had not expected her to be this understanding and patient. She really loves me I thought to myself.


"It's my decision to make Neal. I'll get a room on the other side of Storybrooke. I can work from here still, so it'll be fine. Maybe I can eventually meet your family too?" She interrupted.

"I'm giving you an out, Tamara. Don't you want to go back to New York, start something new perhaps?" I inquired.

"I want you, Neal," She replied firmly.

"Tamara I can't exactly...deal with stuff with you being around the corner. That town is smaller than our apartment," I tried my best to persuade her to leave.

"You don't know until you try. Don't worry; you won't even know I'm here," She promised me. And with that, she left.

I felt like this had ended up being a total fail and I accomplished nothing. Furthermore, I seriously underestimated her. Tamara wasn't the begging type, or maybe I just didn't know her as well as I thought I did.

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