Chapter 10

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Watching the Heat game whilst writing this... Lets see how this turns out ;P  

•Song of the day: Let Her Go by Passenger•

*Zayn's pov*

Wow! Today has been somewhat hectic. Liv is still shocked on how Harry just left. And I'm still shocked on how Lita just up and left me. I know we were planning on doing that to them, but it's incredible how it played out. But last night we didn't make love in our new apartment, only because we were recovering. But hopefully tonight will be different. I drove Liv and me to work today, a perk of living together, it was a pleasant drive. Why couldn't we have been together, instead of Lita and myself? I mean, Lita was great, but she wasn't Liv.

After work, we stopped at a small diner to get some food, and that's we're we bumped into Harry. 

"Hey Liv," Harry said. 

"Harry, um, what are you doing here?" Liv managed to say. Her mouth was on the floor. 

Harry looked at out intertwined fingers and let out a sigh. "This?" 

Please don't make me have to kick your ass. "This is why, Liv?" 

My fist starting to tighten. 

Liv nodded. The devastation in her eyes, was blaring. Why would this make her heartbreak? He hasn't made a sene or anything. 

Harry then looked at me and put his hand out for a hand shake. 

"Good luck." I took his hand and shook his hand. He let out a low chuckle as he walked away.

*Liv's pov*

I can not believe what just happened. First we awkwardly encounter Harry, then he just writes me off. I can't believe him, I'm shattered! But I put it past me, because I'm with someone who cares for me.

When we get home Zayn goes straight to the bedroom. I quickly follow behind him. He's changing out of his day clothes into his PJs, as I am doing the same. 

"Sweetheart, what's the matter?" 

"Liv, nothing's the matter." 

"Then why are you acting as if someone stole your teddy bear?" 

"Hmmm, I don't know, maybe because my girlfriend looked heartbroken over the fact that her EX doesn't want her anymore." Anger was radiating off of him, "don't you see that I love you? And it doesn't matter what he thinks of you! Damn Liv, you didn't have to agree to this. I feel I'm the only one in this for US!"  

"No Zayn, I'm in it too. I was a little taken back that he got over me so fast, but I love you! Not him, not anyone else! YOU!" I said as I tore the blanket from the bed, as he did the same. 

"I love you, Liv." He said as he pulled himself closer to me in the bed. 

"I too love you, Mr. Malik." He then placed a small kiss on my forehead and we fell asleep.

*Mia's pov*

When I get home from dropping Lita off. My front porch light is on. Hmmm, I thought I turned it off before I left last night? I guess my mom must've came by, and forgot to turn it off. I get inside and relies the time. It's too early for sleep, yet too late to go out. I think I might take a long bath before heading to bed. As I make the bath water, I go over my day in my head. 

I spent hours there at the Starbucks with Lita and Louis. They talked non-stop on pointless shit. I was so bored. Every time I mentioned leaving to Lita, Louis would tense up and try and continue on with the conversation. When I finally convinced her that it was time to leave, Louis gave me a death glare.  

Man, that guy creeps me out! 

When we get to Liam's I feel as if someone had followed us. So I stay and wait until Liam gets back from work. Then I made my way home. 

My bath water is nice and hot. As I submerge myself in the water, I instantly began to relax. And then I got to thinking of my life. [very cliche right;)] 

So, I've been a party animal ever since I turned 18. I graduated high school, and moved out of my house as soon as I had my diploma in my hand. But now seeing as I'm nearly 25, I feel as my party days are coming to an end. And me sleeping around with Maz, and not being committed is not what's best for me. I need to get serious. Like now!  

As I am thinking of this, it's like god sending me the most obvious sign. Liam texted me. 

Liam: 'hey, you left so quick, I didn't even get to say hi' 

Mia: 'sorry, I was in a rush.' 

Liam: 'it's fine. I still own you a new outfit!" 

Mia: 'oh yeah! About that, wang to hang out 2mrw? The mall is opening Top Shop! You can buy me an outfit there;)'  

Liam: 'okay! Pick u up around 11?' 

Mia: 'Sounds lovely. See you then:*' 

Liam: 'until then :)'

Alright, so I have an official date tomorrow. With a boy who's been hopelessly in love with me since grade school. Let me try and not fuck this up.  

I get out of the bed and change in to an oversized T-shirt and a nice pair of undies and snuggle into my bed. Before I went to sleep, I texted Lita about tomorrow. 


Lita: 'you're pregnant?' 

Mia: 'no fucker, I have a date with Mr. Payne tomorrow!' 

Lita: 'that's great! Louis wants to meet tomorrow, so we can... ;)' 

Mia: 'okay miss party animal #2. Be careful with him though, he gives me the Hibby Jeebies!' 

Lita: 'we're nothin serious, just FWB. No worries.' 

Mia: 'alright. Night girl. Love ya!' 

Lita: 'nighty night!'

I then turned out the lights and fell into a deep sleep. Only to be woken up a couple hours later, to someone knocking on my front door.



Lol:) my husband#3's team won Game 7! Woohoo Chris Anderson <3

Oh, and today is my dad's birthday :) so if you could leave a comment saying Happy Birthday, or something along those lines... It'll be freaking great!

-don't forget to vote-

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