New Beginnings P1(James)

67 6 33

(Dedicated to BrandonVarnell)

I looked at the demons of this bar, there were three in total, two guarding the entrance and the third serving as the bartender. I wasn't technically allowed drink, but this bar didn't check for IDs, so I ordered single beer. The bartender gave me a glare, but begrudgingly went and fetched one from the back. He returned and slide it to me. It was cold to my fingers but I popped of the cap, and took a sip of its content.

I wore my contract attire, a Black hooded leather trench coat with red highlights, black denim jeans. Under my coat was a Black wife beater, black fingerless gloves and black military boots. I also wore the amulet I had since my arrival at the orphanage, it's black coloration matched the outfit. I was waiting for the contract customer to meet me at this "bar, I had no idea who to look for". A woman, around my age, with a small face and angular features and brown hair. As she sat next to me.

"Are you James?" She asked in a low voice. "Yes and I assume you're the customer?" I said. She gave a quick nod. She passed me a small piece of paper.

"This has the target's location and description" She whispered "payment will be given when the contract is fulfilled" "Okay, and where should I meet you when I have completed the contract?" "Out behind this bar." She said. I give a nod and raise from my seat as I drop a five dollar bill on the counter and begin to walk toward the door. "Bring the children as well" she called, but by then I was already out of the door.

I pulled out the paper and read the location of my target, he was at New Hope orphanage, an old run down orphanage around Great beginnings Elementary school. The target was a demon that lived off of the fear and despair. His human form was nearly balding with a unkempt beard, he was fat and looked to be in his mid thirties to forties, in human years anyway. I got on my bike, a red GSX-S1000.

As came closer to the target's location, I began to have a small migraine. I wasn't sure why ,but it hurt like hell. When I finally arrived at the orphanage, my migraine started to subside. I got off my bike and parked it on a huge ,but poorly tended blacktop. As I walked towards the doors, burst open revealing my target and behind him were a group of kid in rags and shackles. "You must of been the hunter that girl said she would send. I should have killed her... Well after I am done with you, I'll go deal with her" he called in a gruff voice.

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