'Why didn't you tell me?'
Pippin scribbled in her notepad, angling it towards Barry.

"I didn't want you to feel like it was your fault."
He murmured, studying her face for a second.
She felt her resolve weakening until she sighed, nodding as an affirmation the discussion was over.

For now.

All conversation ceased as the door opened again.
A sick feeling settled in Pippin's stomach as Iris walked in, followed by a flower-bearing Halle.
Halle immediately went to Pippin's bedside, her cheeks flushed from all the attention resting on her.

"I wasn't sure what flowers to bring so I assumed you were a sunflower girl."
Pippin gave her a weak smile, writing a thanks on her notebook and showing it to her.

Barry noticed the way Pippin tightened her grip on his hand when Iris sat down at one of the armchairs at the foot of the bed.
Chattering resumed once more, this time Barry commenting a few things to Halle who sat near him.

Cisco continued eating Pippin's fries, his eyes flicking from Pippin to Iris who still stood by the door.
Felicity had "secretly" switched the channel back to Jaded Hearts which now acted as a ridiculous source of background noise.

Pippin clenched her jaw as Iris took in her bed-ridden state then Barry next to her.

"Barry told me you were in a fire."
The doubting in her tone didn't go unnoticed by Pippin who only inhaled sharply.
She felt Oliver and Felicity both look at her with varying intensities of a frown on their faces.

Barry cut through the awkward tension, fixing a hesitant but fake smile on his face.

"I just wanted to know if it was true."
Iris snapped, looking doubtful.

"I'm not."
At Pippin's coarse voice, all eyes turned to her.
She caught Oliver's look although he looked more concerned than irritated.

"Are you feeling better, Pippin?"
Halle questioned, smiling in an effort to ease the tension.
It didn't exactly work.

"It has been almost four weeks,"
Iris interjected.
"Right, Barry?"

By Pippin's side, he stiffened, clutching Pippin's hand tightly before she felt his fingers slip from his grasp.

Everyone watched him stand up.
The thing that surprised Pippin the most was the cold way in which he spoke.

"Let's talk outside."
He fixed Iris with a look.

"What you want to say can be said here."
The chair squeaked as Iris forcefully stood up, Pippin flinching at the tone of voice she had used.


"I think you should go."

Pippin felt relief soak into her bones when Oliver spoke up, taking one step closer to Iris.
She seemed to have noticed him for the first time because her eyes widened.
Her mouth opened to protest but Oliver interjected before she could.

Oliver glanced at Barry, his voice becoming sharp and threatening.
Barry and Iris both left, leaving the room in an awkward silence.

Pippin locked eyes with Oliver, shooting him a grateful look and a nod to affirm she was okay.
Despite the fact they both knew she wasn't, he returned to his spot next to Felicity.

"We brought a movie."
Ronnie decided to interrupt the thick silence.
Pippin managed a rough laugh that burned at her throat, everyone else relaxing at the sound.

"I'll take care of it."
Felicity smiled, although she looked a little forlorn at the thought of having to change her channel.
Cisco sheepishly offered Pippin mostly devoured fries to which she simply smiled, shaking her head.

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