chapter 17

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"SKYLAR!!" It was mom. She screamed bloody murder. "SKYLAR!!"

"Mom?" I realized what was happening and bolted up. "MOM!" I ran to the door and whipped it open. It was stuck. "IS THIS FOR REAL RIGHT NOW!?" I screamed, "MOM!?" There was no answer. "Mom?" I let go of the handle and backed up. "Mom?!"
I walked back to the handle and shook it. The door opened and I ran out. Mom was lying on the ground her eyes wide open and her mouth was stretched open in a scream.

"Mom?!" She didn't answer she just shook, one big shake. I was scared. Really scared. Where was dad? I looked around and dad was on the floor too, but his eyes were closed and he had his arms crossed over his chest. I took a shaken breath. What made them like this? Wait, did they see the shadow too? But that wouldn't have made them like this, that didn't make me like that. I screamed in my mind in frustration. I walked over to mom and knelt beside her, stroking her hair. "You'll be ok mom."I whispered in her ear. I sat up and walked over to the table. I looked under mom's purse and in dad's wallet. I looked back in mom's purse and in the drawer. Finally, I found it! I found mom's phone! I put in her password and pressed emergency. 9-1-1 immediately showed up and I put the phone to my ear. Instantly I heard a voice. "Hello? What is your emergency?"
I paused, what was I gonna say? Excuse me sir but my mom and dad saw a ghost, possibly bloody Mary who roams and haunts my house which made them paralyzed for maybe eternity and they also saw possibly her evil pet a dark shadow which caused my mom and dad to scream bloody murder. Can you help?

Hmmm. How about no.

"Hello?" I snapped out of my dream.

"Hi, my mom and dad are paralyzed and I don't know why or how can you please help, I'm scared."

"Yes we will help you we will trace your phone and come I'm immediately! Don't worry."

I shook uncontrollably and dropped the phone. I ran to mom and looked into her eyes. They, were black. All black. Like mine had been before. I looked around the room and the yellow walls and sighed.

Why me? I thought. But of course I knew the answer. I was connected to all this somehow. I was Bloody Mary's sister.

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