Chapter 16

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"Mom why did you give me this?"

We were at the mall and mom bought me flower underwear. I was totally embarrased. "They look nice." Mom said. "No, mom, they are horrible. Even nerds don't wear them so what would that make me?" Mom laughed. "Honey, you have like, five pairs of underwear and you need more." I hung my head. This was hopeless. We went to A&W and got some cheeseburgers. I was still making sure I understood the plan. I went over it in my head.

Tell mom she has a important person coming over and she had to meet at the park, then tell dad the same thing, but at the office, then break all the mirrors.

I nodded, I remembered. "How about this?" Mom snapped me out of my trance. She held up blue and white polka-dotted underwear. I gaped. "Mom! Don't show that we're in public!" Mom shrugged, "no one's looking." I looked right and left, then back at mom. "Mom, your embarrassing me!" Mom chuckled, "It's mom's jobs to embarrass they're kids." I rolled my eyes. Mom went back to the racks and I snuck away across the mall to claires. I looked at the purses and earings. "Nice earings." I whispered to myself as I looked at turquoise gemstone earings. "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever!!" I looked over my shoulder and saw a girl with blonde hair cut in a bob that bounced along her shoulders. Her blue eyes pierced into mine, and her blue kitten shirt looked dreadful with her pink miniskirt. She wore a huge smile and she waved at me. "Hi!" She said in a high pitched voice. "Hi." I said slowly. She waved. "Don't you remember me?!" She asked. I shook my head. She laughed. "Oh course not silly!" Boy was she perky. "I'm from your school, but I moved here! My name is Zeleana!" She held out her hand and I took it. She shook it fiercely. I almost stumbled into her. "You should get highlights, blue would look great with your black hair! Wait no, pink would! And blue earings! Ooh!" I stood stunned. "I-I wasn't planning on getting highlights." Zeleana smiled. I did a tight smile back. "What are you doing here, Skylar right?" I nodded. "I was going to-," I couldn't tell her I was going underwear shopping. I smiled a true smile, " I was going to get my ears peirced." Zeleana smiled bigger.

How can she do that? Aren't her gums big enough? I thought.

A blonde haired adult came up with the same blue eyes as Zeleana but a much better fashion sense. She had a green shirt with a black pencil skirt that curved along her hips and legs. Zeleana looked up at her. "Hi mom!"
"Hi dear, is this a new friend?" Zeleana's mom had a much softer, stronger voice. "Not really, she was my friend before we moved."
Zeleana said,with her annoying voice. Her mom looked at me with a glint in her eyes. "Oh?" She smiled. "Hello, I'm Sara, Zeleana's mom, nice to meet you. What's your name?" I smiled. "My name is Skylar, but you can call me sky." Sara smiled. "Nice to meet you, Sky." She held out her hand and I gradually took it. Sara's hand was warm and soft. I could feel her ring which was cold to the touch. We broke apart and I lowered my gaze. I said goodbye to both of them, and left to go find my mom.

Once we got home, I went to go take a shower, I took out my new underwear my mom made me buy and climbed into the shower,the hot water trickling down my hair, making me flinch. I felt the water slither down my back. After my shower I dried my hair and combed it out. It felt like silk, so I went to my room and took a nap.

When I woke up it was nearly dinner. "Ugh." My legs felt like jello and I felt drowsy. I sat up on my bed and grabbed my phone. There were hundreds of text messages from my friends on a group chat. I rolled my eyes. All it said was:

One useful thing they said was:
Were's skylar? She hasn't been texting for months!

I started texting I'm here... when I heard a loud thunp.
Probably just mom getting her nightly coffee. I thought.


Thump thump

Thump thump thump


"Mom?!" I started panicking but tried to hold it in. I settled down my phone and slowly crept toward the door. My phone rang with a new text.


I stopped in my tracks. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and saw a tall, threatening shadow. It looked like it was smiling, but its face was blurry and smashed together. I tried to scream, tried to run but was frozen to my spot. I couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't run, It felt like I didn't control my own body. I whispered silent prayers but my mind went blank. The world closed around me and I felt like the walls were closing in. Wait... The walls were moving! They seemed to stretch and shrink moving this way and that. Coming towards me and then stretching back out again. I gazed in awe but was soon cut off as I heard myself gasp and hit the ground. I was sprawled on the ground on my stomach and I had a throbbing headache.

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