chapter 3

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We packed everything into the car, and hopped in. "This is going to be the best family reunion! I can feel it!" Dad exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I was sitting in the back seats and mom was driving and dad was playing some games on his phone. We were on some road and were nowhere near Edmonton. I grabbed out my phone and listened to some music from my earphones. "Where have you been..?" I whispered the song. Dad smiled. I blushed, apparently, I didn't sing it (Well the music was a little loud.) "Kiddo.." Dad began. I took out my earphones. "You excited?" He asked. I shrugged, " a little." Dad turned back into his seat and started talking to mom about bills and taxes. I put back my earphones and bobbed my head to the music. My eyes drooped, I remembered I hadn't slept enough last night. I kept moving around and woke up to something. I finally took a nap. When I woke, we were already at my cousins house. It had a tan colour and a front porch. We all walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted my friends. The door opened and out came Deneric, my step cousin, since my mom's mom divorced with some guy. "Hi!" Deneric almost yelled. I could tell he was happy. "Hi." I practically sighed. Mom and dad said their greetings and my grandma came through the door. "Grandma!" I was almost as excited as Deneric when he saw me. I hugged grandma and Deneric had a hurt expression. I stepped back to let mom have her turn. "Come in!" Grandma said. We stepped in and there was a big, grand staircase and all of the floor was carpet except for the kitchen which was down the little hallway. We were shown to our rooms and once I saw my room and groaned. I was staying with Witney for a week. I put my luggage on the bed and unpacked everything. "Hi."said a flat voice from behind me. I jumped. "Geez Witney!" I yelled. She smiled, "I like seeing you scared." She was expressionless. Okay,she is really scary. "Do you want to see my doll collection?" I really didn't want to. "They're China dolls." It sounded as if Witney was trying to persuade me to see them. She took my arm, (her hand was cold) and pulled me to her dresser. There were dolls lined up against the wall and they were all smiling. Witney looked at me. "Do you like it?" I stared at the dolls. I smiled weakly, "ya,sure." Witney smiled, "Mary got me them." I gaped at her. "W-who is Mary." (I have to admit, since Witney is five, it was more creepy.) "The girl I the mirror." Witney said flatly. I stepped back. "What does she look like?" I made the mistake of asking. Witney looked like she was thinking. "She cries a lot, and she has long,messy hair. She is bloody everywhere. I felt like I wanted to cry. "When do you meet her?" I asked. "At night."

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