chapter 12

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I tried to open the door but it was no use. I slouched on the door and started crying into my knees. Then I heard someone walk up and shake the door handle from the outside. "Hey!" It yelled, struggling with the door handle. I recognized it was dad. I stepped away from the door and tried to open it. "Dad! Help me. Someone locked me in from the outside!" I yelled to him. "Sky? What are you doing in there?" Dad asked in confusion. I looked around for something to open the door or, at the worst circumstances, break the door. "Dad I request permission to break down this door." I asked, chuckling to myself even though, this was a bad time. "Okay, as long as it gets you out." I looked around. "Um." I sighed. I tried to rip off the towel rack but, I don't have much strength. I thought maybe the shower handle but it didn't stretch that far. Then I heard hacking. Dad was literally cutting the door with the steak knife. I saw clumps of white wood fly and I stepped back. "Come through the hole Skylar." Dad said. I climbed through, one foot at a time and then dad hugged me so tight my chest went numb. Then he looked down at my ankles. "Sky what happened?"
He asked. "I don't even know where to start." I sighed, realizing how tired I was. My legs buckled and dad walked me to my room, one hand always around my waist holding me up.

I couldn't sleep, knowing this thing was possibly still in the house, maybe in the corner, hiding in the shadows waiting for me to go to sleep.

I'd finally managed two hours of sleep. When I'd got up to brush my teeth, mom almost fainted. "What!?" I asked. "Yo- your eyes!" I rushed to the bathroom to find my pupils where bigger and there was no colour to them, just black. No white or a beautiful brown. Just black. I gasped. "H-how did this happen!" I finally chocked out. I had rings around my eyes and my cheeks had no colour, looking like I'd seen a ghost, which I had. It looked horrible. I splashed water in my eyes, checked if I had contacts in, anything that would tell me a logical reason of why this happened. Mom took me to the eye doctor, and got no answer for he didn't even know. She tried everything, but ran out of ideas.

Six hours later, the colour finally came back to my eyes, and my cheeks got they're lush look to them again. The rings around my eyes stayed though, which I had a sensible reason for, I was tired. So I took a two hour nap, which felt so good. When I woke, mom sighed in relif. "I thought you were a ghost!"

Well I was attacked by one. I thought, but I didn't dare say it.

We had Hawaiian pizza for lunch, which is my favorite type of pizza and I munched on it hungrily. I watched SpongeBob once I was done and then got bored after a while, so I went outside. The grass was dewy with the spitting rain that I probably slept through. I walked along the sidewalk, taking in the beautiful scenery. A person on a scateboard zoomed by.

He stopped.

No, no please no.

It was Ethan. My one and only enemy. He punched me in the nose when I was little. Called me a donkeys bottom. And stuffed me in a trash can.

"Never thought I'd see you again." Ethan said as he hopped of his scateboard.

"I-I got a concussion, I f-fell on the floor." I stammered.

Ethan hovered over me and smirked. He obviously liked me being scared.

"I guess you won't be able to go to Rebbecca's party next week."

"I-I-" I struggled for words. Ethan hopped back on his scateboard and zoomed off.

Then I heard a raspy voice behind me.

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