Chapter one

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the smashing of glass echoed through out the house, everything seemed to be in slow motion my head spinning as the shouting continued but I couldn't understand a word, just noise.she came into view, the dreadful woman standing right In Front of me, I could see her mouth moving but no words, a loud pounding going through my head. But suddenly I felt a blow to my face, "LISTEN TO ME, DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT UGH ALL YOU EVER ONLY CAUSED ME PAIN AND SUFFERING ITS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT" my mother screams through drunken sobs, I feel the tears stream down my face but I don't say a word. She then takes the last swig of beer from her bottle and with all her strength smashes me over the head with it.
"SAY SOMETHING YOU BASTARD, APOLOGISE FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME" I feel the blood drip down my face, I swallow the lump in my throat and mutter a sorry but it was not enough nothing I ever did was.
*end of flashback*
I opened my eyes slowly wiping my tears with the sleeve of my jumper.
5 months ago I left that hell hole I moved from my small town in Yorkshire all the way to London with my old best friend that had moved there the summer after we left school. My mother had been caught beating my little brother, James by our next door neighbours and had been sent to prison. My brother only being 12 had been sent to go and live with our dads brother, Kenny up in Glasgow Scotland but because I was 17 I had a choice of where to go when Ellie said I could move in with her up in London. I decided to go with Ellie but promised to visit him often and that he can always call me. I wanted to go to London anyway as I wanted to be a photographer and there had to be so many jobs there. My mother had started drinking a lot after my dad passed in a car crash a few years ago but it got worse and worse. One night she had gone to the bar and never came back me and James went to bed but a few hours later I heard a bang I came down stairs to find that James had gone to get a glass of water and she had come in and started to hit in continually because he was up I tried to get between them and James ran upstairs while she grabbed hold of me and pushed me up against the wall with her hands round my throat spitting terrible words at me smashing my head against the wall until I blacked out hearing my brothers sobs in the background as I fell in darkness and the next she pretended like it never happens. Some days she could be so nice others deadly. So bittersweet, my biggest nightmare

Holding on to you|| Dan howellWhere stories live. Discover now