Chapter 6. Secret Plans & Surprises

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure I'll pass the test," He says.

"Confident fool," Zendaya says, I nod my head as she gets in the shower. 

"She'll probably be in there for an hour," I say when the silence in the room gets unbearable.

"Trying to have a make out session with me," Lawrence jokes. 

"Nope not at all. Still feel my lips from last night?" I tease. 

"Nope. But you're still playing that first kiss in your head," He says.

"You still wanna kiss me all over again," I say quickly. 

"You wouldn't?" He asks.

"I would. But I know what's best for me," I smirk.

"Overly confident fool," He grins.

"I've learned from the best," I say.

"Thanks and no thanks," He says and I laugh. 

"When I get out the shower and I'm dressed, we gotta run some errands for Day before she leaves. We're going to spoil her rotten just like you said," I smile. He rubs his hands mischievously. He sits by my side.

"Deal," I say holding out my hand. He puts his chin on my shoulder. 

"This also determines your acceptance as my best-friend. This is your final task," I add. He kiss my bare shoulder and take my hand. 

"Deal," He shakes on it. I let goof his hand and giggle as I push him away.

"Mr. Touchy Feely. Back up. Give me ten," I say.

"One," He says smiling. 

"Five," I accept. 

"Two," He debates. 

"Five and I'm not changing," I say. 

"Five it is," He scouts a little over from me. 

"Thank you," I say as he grabs my phone out my lap. 

"Whatcha doing?"I ask as he try to figure out my password. 

"Trying to look at your phone," He says, I unlock it and hand it back to him. He goes to my iMessages/Text Messages. 

"What--," I start, but stop when he goes to his text. 

"You didn't even haven't even read it yet, still," He says, I smile. 

"Aw you saw I got my password from Daya last night and all I did was call my mom and change my password, then I left my phone alone," I defend myself. He nods. He changed his contact name form Lawrence to Best-friend with emoji faces like "face throwing a kiss", "face with the heart shaped eyes" and "lovestruck cat face". I laugh.

"Really?" I ask, as he grins.

"Yes ma'am," He says.

"Phone please," I ask, hand out. He unlocks his phone and go to my contact. I change my name from Maria to Maria with "face throwing kisses", "face with heart shaped eyes", a blue heart and a red heart emojis. I laugh.

"Take the blue heart away," Lawrence says making me laugh harder, I delete the blue heart.

"There, you must keep my contact like that until I desire a new one," I say we shake on it.

"I hope you make good on your deals young man. Because you've made a lot today," I say.

"I'm very good at making good on my deals. You'll see later. Sounds like she's getting out," He says as the bathroom goes silent. Twenty minutes later Daya emerges from the bathroom, fully clothed in a white Carpe Diem high-low tank top and black studded shorts on with her black Chucks.

"Going away with style my model legs friend," I smile. 

"Of course. I have to make Houston look good. I'm reppin it," She says. 

"Well Houston def look good," Lawrence says, I fist pound him. Daya laughs.

"You guys are going to be just fine without me this summer," Daya says.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Lawrence asks. 

"Because normally you guys are bickering with or teasing each other. Then I gotta be mom and take care of y'all. But it seems you guys are going to take care of each other this summer. Or you guys have been threatening each other as soon as I leave one of y'all are gonna make a move on the other," Zendaya laughs. 

"I'm busted," I joke raising my hands over my head, Lawrence pokes me. I giggle and slightly cuss him out.

"No but seriously. We're going to be just fine, on our best behavior. Right Ray?" I say to Lawrence. 

"Yes ma'am," He say, as I get my clothes and towel. 

"Your shoes are by the door I accidentally grabbed them," She says. 

"Yeah whatever. You always try to steal my shoes," I smirk joking with Daya.

"Just get in the shower," Lawrence says handing me my phone. I stick my tongue out at him and close the door. 

"God. I'll never stop falling in love with your bathroom Day," I yell through the door, I hear her laugh. 



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