[2.] We Would Be Sisters!

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A few days later Leon and Violetta had become official. Which also meant I couldn't see Leon as much, since he always went out with Vilu, so I spent most of my time with Ludmi. It felt weird, because Leon and I had always spent so much time together, hardly seeing him, was difficult. I couldn't help but feel jealous as Vilu and Leon would come in a room with their connected arms swaying.

I was sitting at Ludmi's dining room table, she was getting us some food. I put my elbows on the table and my chin on my hands. Ludmi came in with a wooden tray, two bowls and two glasses on top of it.

"We only have leftover spaghetti," Ludmi says and I smile.

"It's cool. I had takeout yesterday anyway," I say and she gives me a sympathetic smile.

She puts the tray down and sits next to me. I loved Mrs Vargas' food, she could make anything, it always tasted incredible! I take a bowl and begin eating when we hear footsteps and laughs.

Vilu and Leon.

I sigh and Ludmi gives me a look. She didn't know about my crush, I was yet to tell her. I knew that I should tell her, she's my best friend and it would actually be nice to talk to somebody sometimes, instead of just my diary.

"Hey guys," Leon grins coming in.

He sits next to me and takes my fork putting some spaghetti into his mouth. He smiles and takes another bite. I playfully glare at him.

"My food!" I growl possessively. "Get your own spaghetti," I say snatching the fork back.

"It doesn't taste as good as yesterday," Leon shrugs.

I eat some more spaghetti and when there was a little bit left I gave the rest to Leon. He gave me a smile before gobbling it all up. Vilu rolls her eyes at him.

"Bro, you don't gobble like that in front of your girlfriend!" Ludmi scolds playfully.

"Well she's my girlfriend. And then there is you two who are my sisters so whatever," Leon says and I frown slightly. He just called me his sister, I really don't have a chance with him. "Alright, I'm done. V, let's go. See you sis, see you Cesca," Leon says getting up.

Vilu and Leon get up and leave, after Vilu gives Ludmila and I, a goodbye smile. I sigh and put my hand on my forehead. Ludmi gives me a look and then shakes her head.

"Okay, tell me what's going on with you and those two," Ludmi sighs, giving up on trying to figure out herself. I groan, but try and answer her nonetheless

"I guess I had to tell you at some point," I pause and she nods, "Okay, so you see. Well I. You know. I. Well. Uh, I kinda. Well not kinda. I have, no forget that." I stammer and Ludmi rolls her eyes. "Okay, well Ihaveacrushonleon," I say in a rush.

"God dammit, Francesca!" Ludmi yells and my cheeks redden. "I have a crush on Leon," I murmur, hoping she didn't hear but she jumps up in surprise so I know that she heard.

"You have a crush on my brother!" Ludmi yells in disbelief and I nod.

"I know it sounds bad,but I just can't help it. And plus I know I shouldn't, he's a player who goes around and breaks people's heart like its nothing. I can't help the feelings, it's just! Argh!" I ramble and Ludmi laughs at me. "Are you laughing at me? Ludmi! Don't laugh at me!" I say angrily.

"No, it's just. Fran I've ever seen you so...well in love! It's quite adorable actually," Ludmila smiles and I glare at her.

"I'm not adorable," I grumble and she chuckles.

"So then how do we get you and him together and them broken up? I mean it'd be awesome to have you as my sister. " Ludmi asks and I stare at her with wide eyes.

"We can't just break them up! You never know if Vilu could actually be the one for him," I tell her and she scoffs. "Didn't we also think that with Naty, ooh and Cami. As well as Gery!...We thought that about everybody!" Ludmi screams and I groan.

"Besides, imagine how cool it would be! We would be sisters! In-laws but still! And your in-laws already love you, and Leon doesn't even need to worry about yours, because they are always away doing some nonsense. It's perfect!" Ludmila squeals and I almost choke on my spit.

"In-laws! We aren't even dating and you're thinking of marriage. Alright I'm done. See you later Lud, I don't want to have this conversation with you right now or ever," I say shaking my head.

I kiss her cheek before exiting the house. I walk to my house, and see it was empty as always. The butler, who rarely even showed his face wasn't here either. Just me, and me. Fun as always

I go to my bedroom and hang my bag on the door handle. I decide to have a shower and have an early night for once. After showering and putting on some winter pajamas I get into bed after turning the lights off.

Surrounded by darkness, my eyes begin to close when I hear my name. It was Leon, waiting to have our conversation. But lately it was about how amazing Vilu was, and how he had never felt this way before which only made my heart break even more.

I ignore him for tonight. He carries on calling my name for awhile before giving up, I hear him slam his window down loudly making me wince. This was a step closer to getting over him I guess.

Okay I know this is very boring, but I guess the book is very important. Hell is way better (well I hope it will be) it's just the things that happen in this book, are really really important. Since it's an introduction to the whole series.

At least you only have to endure 8 more chapters of this pain. The next chapter will have to be more focused on the whole Leonesca.

Thanks for reading! And tell me what you think.

I was suppose to update yesterday but I forgot. Sorry :/

~Lexy 😈

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