[10.] She Will Be The Death Of Me

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The gif is in the chapter because it wouldn't work in the normal media thing -_- Anyway, enjoy the last chapter. Leon POV

I walk away from her, and into the night

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I walk away from her, and into the night. I stuff my hands into my pockets and blow out some air, white steam coming from my mouth. There was an icy wind that blew across my face, but I kept on working, my footsteps soft against the pavement. The streetlights illuminated the roads, making it clear for me to see.

I was an idiot.

A complete and utter idiot.

I kissed her.

And then I walked away, like a coward.

But how do you tell your best friend that you had started to develop feelings for her. And that when we touched, I felt my heart melt. How do you even say that? Or that when she was in my arms, I couldn't help myself. I had to kiss her.

Her soft pink lips, that moulded perfectly with mine. I was shocked when she kissed back, it only made me kiss her with even more passion. It was definitely the best kiss I had ever had. And I walked away.

I started to lose track of time. I somehow managed to get back home. All the lights were off, and I realize that Ludmila must still be out. Our parents had gone out on a business trip. I walk straight to my bedroom, running a hand through my hair way too many times.

I just couldn't stop thinking about her.

I liked her.

I may possibly even love her.

Maybe I loved her all along. My heart knew it, but my mind didn't. My mind had tried to convince my heart that I loved Violetta, before jealousy had overtaken me, and my heart won the battle. But then I walked away.

I saw a light coming from her bedroom though my curtains. I ponder whether or not I should talk to her, when the light vanishes. I probably lost her.

I lost her.

And I love her.

I bite my lip hard. I think about the kiss, the way our lips moved in synch. When she gave me entrance to explore her mouth. Everything about Francesca was perfect, I just don't know why I never noticed before. I'm an idiotic  coward.

Yeah, that works.


I decide to stay off my school for today. The last thing I needed was to see Francesca, to see her in most classes. Ludmila says it's fine, but if there is anything wrong to give her a call. I lie in bed the whole day, not really bothering to change my clothes.

I'm am even bigger coward to not go to school.

But I felt nervous to approach her. Maybe she would say that she hated the kiss, that I was some foul creature who should never step foot near her again. Then, not only did I lose my chances with her as a boyfriend, I would've lost her as a friend as well. I just didn't want her to say she regretted it.

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