[3.] Well that failed

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The plan was simple, easy in fact. All I have to do is ignore Leon for the rest of my life. Yes it would be hard since I basically live with him, but it was possible. Anything is possible right? It was the only way I could ever get over him, Ludmila approved the idea. Unless she was sarcastic. I can never tell sometimes.

I push through the crowds to get to my locker, grabbing my books for class out of it. I shut it and see Leon leaning against it, with his charming grin. He seriously isn't making this easy, and it's just the beginning. But I knew it would be this hard,we were best friends so we did a lot of things together. And he always came to my locker every morning, if we didn't go to school together. He said that, he had to see me every morning to make sure I was alive.

"Cesca-" I cut him off, "Sorry Leon, I'm late,"

It wasn't a complete lie okay. I was a bit late, but not that late that I couldn't stop and talk to him. I was here at my usual time, so usually Leon and I would talk for a few minutes, but I couldn't today. I walk away, pushing his confused and slightly hurt expression out of my mind.

No guilt Francesca!

You won't get anywhere if you are feeling guilty!

But his face!


After having a debate with myself I get to class and take my usual seat at the back of the class. It was nice because the teacher couldn't always see what Leon and I were doing -passing notes or going on our phones-, and we could lean our chairs against the shelves at back.


God I totally forgot I sat next to him in this class. In fact, pretty much every class. The door opens and Leon walks in casually, apologizing to our teacher and coming to sit next to me. I think my plan is failing, this is impossible.

"Cesca, what happened?" Leon asked, and I could see concern spread across his face. How was I supposed to not be in love with him when he was concerned about me?

"I, well I forgot what class I had. So I just had to rush and find Lud to tell me what class I had," I lie in a high pitched voice. Well now it's obvious! Whenever I lie, I speak in a high pitched voice. I just hope he didn't notice.

He opens his mouth to speak but our teacher starts the lesson. I let out a sigh of relief and begin doodling in my notebook when I feel somebody breathing against my ear.

"Lud isn't here today,"



I had successfully managed to avoid Leon for the rest of the day, so he luckily never had the chance to interrogate me about earlier. That little bugger Ludmila! How could she just not come to school? Now Leon is not going to leave me alone! He will want answers!

I hear Leon calling me so I run into my house and lock myself up in my room. I let out a deep breath as I lean against the door.

"Francesca," Leon's voice comes through from the other side of my curtains.

"For fucks sake Francesca! Can you stop ignoring me! What did I do?" Leon asks angrily.

"Please, I can't stand you ignoring me," Leon adds on in a softer and sadder voice. Why does he make this so damn hard? I can't stand it when he's upset.

"I'm just sick," I croak.

"Then let me come over," Leon pleads and I reply with a soft 'Kay' Well done Cesca! Letting him come over is so going to help your plan to ignore him!

I move away from my door and unlock the door, and a second later Leon barges in. He presses his palm to my head and pauses.

"You can't really measure temperature properly with your hands," I whisper and Leon laughs, breathing a sigh of relief.

He pulls me into his arms and I hug him back. Ignoring him had gone horribly, but how was I supposed to if he sounded so sad? He made me feel so guilty. God I hate him!

"Thank god she's not mad at me," Leon murmurs into my hair, not intending for me to hear. A lump forms in my throat. Why did he have to sound so relieved!

"Leon, don't you have to see Vilu or something?" I ask and he pulls away putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Let's see. Go somewhere with my girlfriend, or look after my awesome best friend. I think I made the right choice," Leon says and I blush.

Well I fell in love with him for a reason, it's because of how much he cared for me. Ever since we were younger, Leon would always be protective and he would always care. He was the kind of guy, where you couldn't hurt his girls. Ludmila and I.

Leon spends the rest of the day, tending to me. I felt really bad about lying, but I guess tomorrow I could just tell him that it was simply a twenty four hour sickness thing.

"You can go Leon," I say pushing him out the door.

It was dark outside, and he needed to get back. It's not like his parents were worried, they knew he was with me but I didn't need him here the whole night, besides I was completely healthy.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Leon asks worriedly. I nod trying to reassure him.

"Goodnight Cesca," Leon whispers pressing his lips to my forehead.

Well that failed.


chapters will be a bit shorter, because I guess it's less boring. So chapter 3!!! I've already written the description to Heaven! Since I know everything that will happen at the end of YWBTDOM and Hell! So until the next chapter!

Again this book is really important, because -like in this chapter- I'm really just trying to show the friendship between Leon and Fran. Tell me what you think!

And there was a swear word in here, but it was Leon so what do you expect -_-

I'm having wifi problems, and always forget to publish a chapter on this :/ I'm sorry, I'll try more. I've written the first chapter of Hell, finally!

~Lexy 😈

 Death  [Book 1] | ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя