"I'm sorry, Riley. I'm so sorry for being childish and ignoring you these past few days. I didn't think that-"

"Shh. You're here now and that's all that matters. Okay?"

"Okay. We should probably head back out to the field now."

"Yeah, I guess we should."

"Hey, Coach. I'm really sorry about earlier." I said, walking up to Troy as Sara went back on the field. "I just wasn't myself. But, I'm good now and, if you'll let me, I'd like to get back on the field and practice with the rest of the team for the big game tomorrow. I know that I messed up and I know that I let the team down and I understand that my actions have consequences. So, I will completely understand if you still want me gone."

"A good team has to have good captains, Riley. I know everyone can have off days, but you have to leave whatever it is that's been bothering you on the sidelines. I can't have a repeat of what's been happening these past few days happen again because it's not just affecting you, it affects the whole team. You're one of the best players on the field, but as I said before, skill isn't everything. But, this team still needs you. So, you will still practice today and play in the game tomorrow, but after you return from break, you'll stay after an extra hour each practice to help with maintenance. Meaning you'll be responsible for mowing the field, repainting the lines, inflating the balls, and basically the general upkeep of both the field and the locker rooms."

"I understand. Thank you, Coach."

"Now, you know better."

"Sorry. Thank you, Troy."

"Much better! Get on out there and practice with your team."


The best part about having a mostly black room is not being woken up each morning by the brightness of the Sun. The bad thing about having a mostly black room is that it did nothing to stop the two girls who must have a death wish.

"Riley, wake up!" One of the voices yelled. I was honestly too focused on trying to go back to sleep to try and discern the voices. It had been a very exciting night. Our soccer team won last night's game which led to us all deciding to go celebrate until the wee hours of the morning. And, since it was the last day before our two-week long fall break, we felt no need to tone it down any.

"Go away," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Nuh uh. There's a super-hot guy and some chick downstairs that's asking for you." Maya's voice filtered through my post-sleep haze. As soon as the words registered, my eyes snapped open. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, throwing on clothes that I grabbed along the way. I quickly splashed some water on my face before throwing my hair into a messy ponytail. I managed to accomplish all of that and be downstairs in under three minutes. I think that was a new record for me. I paused at the doorway leading into the main room to check that I at least looked presentable before stepping around the corner only to stop dead in my tracks.

"Adrian?" I asked in surprise. When Maya had said "super-hot guy", I had assumed that she was talking about Richard, even though he's my brother, or really anyone other than Richard.

"Well, dang. Am I just not here or something?" Another voice said. I turned around to find Sara sitting on the sofa across from Adrian. I couldn't stop the grin that appeared on my face.

"I'm sorry, Adrian, did you hear something?" I asked as I pretended to not see her.

"Riley!" Sara exclaimed as both Adrian and I burst out laughing. "You know what? I'll just go home then since my presence here isn't appreciated." Sara said, pretending to be upset as she stood to leave. Still laughing, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back before she could get too far.

"Hey, Sara! What brings you here? Adrian and I were just talking about you. All good things." I managed to say with a straight face. Sara only rolled her eyes.

"Alex actually was the one who asked us to come over today. Something about a captains' chill day or celebration day or something. I don't even care. This place is seriously awesome. I know it must be so cool to live here."

"Hello, my fellow soccer captains! Oh, and Riley's here, too." Alex said as he walked into the room.

"Speak of the devil." I heard Adrian murmur underneath his breath. I only raised an eyebrow in his direction. Adrian only shook his head in response. I wonder what that was about.

"Alex, why didn't you tell me that they were coming over?" I asked him.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. You've been down lately, and I thought that it would be cool for us all to hang out together. And, since we're all soccer captains here, who's up for a game of two-on-two?"

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