'What did you expect, you melon?' - Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

'Yeah that will be nice,' I said as we moved forward in the queue. Rachel gave me a thumbs up behind Amy and Zac's back as we shuffled, so far so good.

We were barely seated a few seconds when Danny and Jack joined us. Everything was going to plan. After the formal introductions were over with, conversation turned to Jack and Rachel.

'So how did you two meet?' Amy asked. 'Did you know that Danny was Jack's roomate or was it just coincidence?'

'Just coincidence actually,' Rachel answered. 'We were in geography together, I didn't know that Jess and Danny knew each other until later.'

'Oh cool, that's hilarious.' Zac said, although his expression was far from one of hilarity. In fact, I don't think his face changed the entire time we were eating.

'Ew!' I exclaimed suddenly as everyone turned to look. 'They put tomatoes in my wrap, that's so gross.'

Danny started laughing. 'Those ones always have tomatoes in them. What did you expect, you melon?'

'What do you mean they always have tomatoes? It says it's a Caesar Salad wrap, there's no tomatoes in a Caesar salad.'

'Did you even look at the ingredients Jessie?' He asked whilst picking up the box it came in. 'It clearly says that there's tomatoes in it.'

'Shut up.' I joked, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. 'Clearly if I looked at the ingredients I wouldn't have bought it, stop making fun of me.'

'But you're just so easy to make fun of babe.' He replied.

I stopped, he just called me babe. In front of Amy. I turned to her to see if she'd twigged anything, it didn't seem to have phased her at all. She was completely focused on her own meal, phew. We couldn't have her finding out about us mid-meal, that would not be part of the plan at all.

The dinner continued in the same manner, and I feel like Amy was really getting along well with everyone. I'm glad that she seemed to like Rachel. The only thing was that she seemed a bit off with Danny. I get that they had broken up on kind of bad terms but it still seemed weird to me, that was ages ago and she had a new boyfriend now – was she still really upset about it? It was just little clues throughout the dinner, like every time Danny made a joke she'd do this sort of half smile instead of a proper laugh. Or if she asked a question, she would always direct it at someone else around the table, never at him. I hoped that I was just imagining things.

Once everyone had finished eating we went to head back to our rooms. Just as we reached my corridor I pulled Amy aside and asked if I could talk to her alone for a second in my room. She happily obliged at first, but quickly became confused as he saw that Danny was following us. 'With him?'

I nodded slowly, 'yes if that's alright, we kind of have something to tell you.'

'Okay,' she said as the three of us walked into my room. Me and her sat down on my bed with Danny sitting on Rachel. 'So,' she said, 'what's up?'

'Basically,' I started, my heart beating inside my chest. 'I just wanted to tell you that me and Danny are kind of seeing each other.'

Her eyes widened, she looked from me to Danny and back again. 'What do you mean seeing each other, like casually?'

Danny answered. 'We're boyfriend and girlfriend.'

'What?' There was a sharpness to Amy's voice, every letter she spoke was enunciated to the fullest degree. 'How long has this been going on for? How did this happen?'

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