Coleen: Yeah, where are you?

Lloyd: Im at the place, with the thing, in the thingy.

Summer: Got it.


Coleen: I don't understand!!

Bloom: He's in the cafetorium, next to a vending machine, stuck under it

Zane: O_O

Lloyd: pssshh no, Im........uh.......

Coleen: Let's go girls.

5 seconds later

Coleen: I can't believe it.

Aria: Lloyd, what were you thinking?

Bloom: XD

Lloyd: I was TRYING to hide in the vending machine, but that didnt work out well........

Coleen: Any last words?

Lloyd: Yep, If you don't kill me, then I'll show you where the others are.

Zane: Seriously.

Summer: Not cool man, not cool.

Aria: Tempting, but we already know where they are, soo no.

Coleen: Hasta la Vista!

Lloyd has been killed by Coleen

Summer: RUUUUN!!!


Summer has been killed by Bloom

Aria: Well then Zane, looks like it's just you and me.

Zane: Im not going to make it, am I?

Aria: Nope.

Zane: Get on with it then.

Zane was killed by Aria

Hunters win

Coleen: Yes!!!!

Aria: We did it!!!!

Real life conversation from now on

Summer: That is NOT FAIR!

Lloyd: EXACTLY!!

Zane: Actually, it was pretty fair.

Lloyd: Zane, whose side are you on?

Zane: No ones.

Summer: ---__---

Coleen: Guys, I just had a brain wave.

Aria: What is it?

Coleen: We should make a Youtube channel about us playing video games!!!

Lloyd: Sounds awesome!

Summer: I don't know........

Aria: Sounds like fun.

Zane: It would appear to be fun.

Bloom: Im in.

Summer: Looks like we all agree, more or less, but what's going to be the name of the channel?

Aria: It could be the.......Sassy Six?

Summer: Naw, something else.....

Lloyd: Video Game Ninjas?

Coleen: :D Sounds perfect!

Bloom: I agree.

?????: I think it should be the Famous Five.

Aria: But there are six people here.......

Lloyd: Who said that?!??!

?????: You'll find out soon enough.

Everyone:...............O.O *cautiously backs up into a circle*

Coleen: WHO WAS THAT?!?!?!

Zane: Whoever it was, they are no longer in our presence.

Bloom: Um guys, didn't Sensei say that they'll be back by 8:00?

Lloyd: Yeah, why?

Coleen: It's 7:50......

Everyone: *looks around living room to see it's a complete disaster*

Lloyd: We have 5 minutes, to clean up all of THIS?!???

Summer: Yep.

Aria: Ok people, stay calm and CLEAN!! CLEAN LIKE YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT!!!

Thats it for this chapter folks. Who do you think that mysterious person was? And will they be able to clean everything in time? Who knows. Anyway don't forget to comment what you thought about the chapter, and don't forget to vote.


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