Chapter Thirty Eight

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Alyssa woke up, her head hurting. She let out a hiss when sat up, putting her hand on the back of her head. She then stood up, trying not to lose her balance. She looked around the room, wondering where in the world she is. She then heard someone walking behind her and turned around. She then sat down, afraid of the person in front of her.

"Well, well, well," Kirstin began, crossing her arms. She dropped her arms to her side, shaking her head. "You win. You are here. Get him. Call the cops. So anything you want."

"I am," Alyssa commented angrily. She went to the phone, noticing how Kirstin began to smirk. "What is it?"

"Not everybody is here," Kirstin explained, frowning. The frown turned into an evil smirk and she shook her head once more. "It's 3:30. Sundown is at 4:45. The clock is ticking. You're the only one here."

"What does that mean?" Alyssa asked angrily, slamming down the phone. Kristin laughed and barely flinched when the other Beta slapped her. "Tell me, Kirstin!"

"Since nobody else is here at this moment with you at this exact spot, I am not going to give you Mitch," Kirstin explained. She laughed evilly as Alyssa glared at her. "What? I'm evil. I'm supposed to have a price to everything I say. That is the price. Either everybody comes in here or I kill him. Sorry. Wait, I'm not at all."

"You didn't say that in your letter at all," Alyssa pointed out angrily. Kirstin shrugged her shoulders and locked the doors and windows. When Alyssa realized what she was doing, she widened her eyes. "You're trying to keep us from getting him!"

"Wow, congrats! Is your name Sherlock?" Kirstin asked. She then opened the door to downstairs, her smile similar to the Grinch's. "Come on. I want to show you something."

Alyssa obeyed her and went downstairs. What she saw gasp sadly. She couldn't believe it. He looked terrible.



Jessa opened the door, avoiding the purple dust. After it the dust left the car, she shook Ben gently.

"Hey, Ben? You need to wake up,"
Jessa urged, smiling when the Omega woke up. Ben smiled at her and stretched. "You need to wake everyone up."

"Okay, ma'am" Ben replied. He then hopped out of the car. "Do you mind waking up Scott?"

"Not at all," Jessa confirmed, smiling. Ben smiled back and hopped in the back, hoping to wake the Pack up. "Mom, Dad, please help. We need to get to Mitch. Sundown is going to be in more than an hour."

Mike and Nel nodded as they went to the other side. Everybody else woke up in no time, besides Scott. Jessa shook him with no avail.

"Scott, you need to wake up," Jessa begged. Avi and Kevin watched as the Beta tried to wake up their Lead Alpha. "Mitch needs you."

Scott then opened his eyes and opened the car door. He fell to the floor, hissing in pain. Avi helped Scott to stand up, making sure that he didn't fall again. Scott nodded his thanks and looked at the house.

"What time is it?" Scott asked, hoping for a good answer. He can't lose Mitch.

Please let it be a good time.

"3:40," Jessa confirmed, nodding her head. Scott sighed in relief, wanting to get to Mitch. "We need to go, now."

Everyone nodded as they walked to the door. Tori went to open it and looked back when it didn't open.

"It's locked," Tori confirmed. She shook  her head and tried to open it again with no avail. "What do we do know?"

"Is there a basement?" Avi asked, looks around. Mike nodded and pointed to a couple doors right next to them. "This is rock and roll right now! It's not locked either. Let's go down, shall we?"

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